

New member
May 2, 2003
Bad Axe,Michigan
Do these plugs differ in quality?, i was in my local auto store yesterday
and i was looking at there plugs and i noticed that they look "cheaper",,than
the ecs's at my dealer,could there be a difference??

dunno how to explain cheaper just the looks i
I use NGK BR9ECS's in my sled and get them at Farm N Fleet. Not sure if there's any difference, but I've never had a problem with them.

On another note, I've heard guys say that they run the BR9ES instead of the ECS, and they work fine, and they're also a lot cheaper. Anybody agree? I've never tried it.
The ES is fine in anything except the srx. The ECS is recommended for use in the srx as it dissipates heat quicker and is less prone to detonation. The ECS are always a few bucks more than the ES. If you are running a stock sled, the ES is definately fine in anything except an srx, no need to spend the extra money. And the only difference in can think of between the plugs would be solid top to screw on top. You want the solid top for your yamaha sleds or the screw on top can come off and is a mother to get out of the plug cap. The solid tops also make a better connection because they dont come loose and risk arcing.
Guys watch out WHICH BR9ECS YOU GET, BR9ECS plugs are also used in SKI-DOO sleds which are gapped .5mm compared to the Yami ones which are gapped at .8mm.
These plugs come from NGK PRE-GAPPED, so checking or gapping them IS NOT required.
NGK Stock Numbers: (#'s Will Be On Each Box)

4677 Yami Gapped Solid Top or 3570 Yami Gapped Screw Top
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ExpertXViper said:
Guys watch out WHICH BR9ECS YOU GET, BR9ECS plugs are also used in SKI-DOO sleds which are gapped .5mm compared to the Yami ones which are gapped at .8mm.
These plugs come from NGK PRE-GAPPED, so checking or gapping them IS NOT required.

Yea i thought i heard somthing about that good info guy's..thanks
ExpertXViper said:
NGK Stock Numbers: (#'s Will Be On Each Box)

4677 Yami Gapped Solid Top or 3570 Yami Gapped Screw Top

so this is the one you need for yammies??(SRX)
and these don't need gaping,are they gaped at .28 or .30 or somthing??
daman said:
so this is the one you need for yammies??(SRX)
and these don't need gaping,are they gaped at .28 or .30 or somthing??

Correct those are the part numbers for BOTH Yamaha Plugs for the SRX the only diff. between them are the tops. Soild or Screw Top

And yes they come from NGK PRE-GAPED bewteen .28 - .31 and recc. NOT TO BE RE-GAPED. Cause the ground electrode is laser welded to the shell of the plug and if pryed on and reset it can weaken the weld. And possibly end up braking off in your motor or when your trying to re-gaping it. If if doesnt brake when trying to re-gap and you do end up with a small crack. (Not seen by the naked eye). Likely it'll brake off in your motor cause plugs heat range are any where from 930 deg. F to 1560 deg. F.
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ExpertXViper said:
Correct those are the part number for BOTH Yamaha Plugs for the SRX the only diff. between them are the tops. Soild or Screw Top

And yes they come from NGK PRE-GAPED bewteen .28 - .31 and recc. NOT TO BE RE-GAPED.
Cool thanks... ;)!
i can show you a receipt for the guy who owned my srx before me and 4 years ago at a yami dealer he paid 8.00 plus for these. so the 5.50 sounds good to me, they are the only place i can get them around here napa dosen't stock them, nor do they have the one's for my harley. i use ngk in everything i can.
IMO dont belive in pre gapped plugs all it takes is a little bump and there off, get a feeller gauge and gap them yourself, everytime i buy plugs and check the gaps there always off a little.

its real easy to do and takes less then a min.
the ecs are already pre-gapped from ngk, they are not gonna be out of spec. do not regap these plugs. i repeat do not regap these plugs doing so is asking for trouble. :o|
You can CHECK them with feeler gauges but NOT RE-GAP THEM. If there not within spec I wouldnt try and mess with them. If you look at the welds on these plugs, there tiny tiny welds, not made for pressure applied to them. But suite yourself, its your sh** do with it what you will. Normally my plugs dont get BUMP AROUND, they go from the box,(which have spacers in them so they dont move or get bumped around) to the motor.
I quit running those plugs.

I now run the NGK BR9EIX Iridium plugs. 600 miles and havnt failed me yet.
