Hmmm, how will this setup treat me?

not trying to hijack your post yamahizal700 just have similar questions!!

Glad to hear its running good now, see it never pays to take things for granted just because a dealer worked on it or it ran before!

By going to the green secondary its a slightly stiffer spring, it will improve the backshifting of the clutch set up, this is the on and off throttle response you will see. Say for example you run down a field and then have to turn to go into the woods on a trail, you let off the gas and then smack it again, a slighty stiffer spring will make this time delay less, becuase the clutch backshifts to a lower ratio quicker, doesnt lug the motor.

red sec. spring can work good if the rest of sled set up will work with it, (studs,traction, transfer settings,etc.)but if your up over 90 degrees twist to get the backshift you want, then I would suggest going with the green at about 70-80 degrees. Its all a matter of personal preferance as to how much twist/backshift you want, play with it and get it where your happy with your sled.

Also if your a little heavier rider gearing the sled to a 22/38 instead of the stock 23/38 will help out.
mrviper700 said:
Glad to hear its running good now, see it never pays to take things for granted just because a dealer worked on it or it ran before!

Update, went up north today to do some riding, sled ran great off the trailer. Right up to 8000 and was strong but still didnt climb any higher. After about 25 miles sled started feeling sluggish again, progressivly worse. Stopped for lunch and decided to check my plugs because it was getting rediculously weak. Plug on clutch side(same side I said was real wet the other night with fuel) and the piston must of come up and hit the plug cause the gap was completely smooshed in. I limped it back to the trailor and am now back home. This may very well suck. When I first bought this sled I had to rebuild the other two cylinders but it seems as I may now be doing the third. I guess we can see why the motor hasn't really been hitting her rpms. Can a cylinder just slowly go or could it be something else like the reeds? It acted just like the other times when its been sluggish but now its really bad! Let me know what you think and comment on what I should do. THanks I'll let you know what I find.
ahhh man thats too bad, well take it apart and post some pics of the piston top, sides and the cylinder, maybe we can see what happened to it.

Well here is the piston top in cylinder and the head. Ill go get another one of the intake side and inside cylinder. Ill be right back!


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here is the rest


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Yo Don, You out there bro? What do you think caused this? Is it possible I did this because I changed my clutching? I doubt it but I have to ask. I think its been an ongoing, progressing worse and finally pooped.
no, clutching has nothing to do with that, thats a air leak or dirty carbs, thats a product of detonation, I see the whole exh side front of the piston is gone. Pop off the other 2 heads lets take a peek at the tops of the other 2 good cylinders, you may have carb work in order since we still dont now what jetting we are dealing with, the cylinders are ported, not stock.
The carbs are setting on the bench so now would be a good time to work on them. I just dont understand what to do. Its got to be the carb being dirty because when I put them back in the other night I made sure the boots were secure over the carb and very tight. Although I thinks I might Of mentioned when I removed them before I cleaned them the other night the boots were not nearly tight enough. Do you think what I did the other night was good enough cleaning wise or did I waste my time and not really do it right by not taking the carbs apart internaly? It sucks that that cylinder read 141 psi on my cheesey compresson tester. Ive been having performance issues for a while so I m going to go with the dirty carb theory.
If your not comfortable taking them apart see if someone from here that would be close by could stop over one evening and help you, we need to know what the jetting is in your carbs,mains,pilots and needle settings. I can see from the pic the cylinders are ported so this changes jetting. You said you changed other cylinders?? what all have you done before, just a piston change or swap cylinders out, we wanna make sure we are working with all matching cylinders as well.
it look more like the piston top pop on the exhaust side and parts squeeze everywhere in the head ...the top of the piston don't seem to dirty it look pretty lean
stock to 98-99 if u don't change the other 2 cylinder and take a look at your power valve to see if it hit the piston and pop the top of the piston sometime the stopper in the cylinder **** and the damm pv hit the piston
mrviper700 said:
If your not comfortable taking them apart see if someone from here that would be close by could stop over one evening and help you, we need to know what the jetting is in your carbs,mains,pilots and needle settings. I can see from the pic the cylinders are ported so this changes jetting. You said you changed other cylinders?? what all have you done before, just a piston change or swap cylinders out, we wanna make sure we are working with all matching cylinders as well.
Two years ago when I got this sled I got screwed and it ended up having two blown cylinders.(the other two) I didnt even know about this site then and would have never had the nerve to take these things apart anyway. Nows different, I pretty much feel like I can do anything with the help of you guys. The dealer Im guessing replaced with regular clyinders so I have to pop the other two head to make sure. Ill get on it tomorro and fill you in. As far as getting what I need asap what are my options for parts?(what years) Will I need to remover crank or can I just replace cylinder and piston and head.
well with all that mess i think u better take out the cranck and clean all the stuff inside !!! what size jet a u running in that sled ???
modsrx said:
well with all that mess i think u better take out the cranck and clean all the stuff inside !!! what size jet a u running in that sled
Im not sure mod, Im studying on the internal parts of the carbs so I can be confident enough to jump into them to find out. From what Scott said he know the history of my sled and it was set up for grass drags and by me having ported cylinder Im not sure what I have.
hope u put jets for winter lolllll.... cause never see grass in winter around here and mutch colder in winter ..... just take out the plug under the carb bowl you we see the jet inside ...number are print on the jets ....
modsrx said:
hope u put jets for winter lolllll.... cause never see grass in winter around here and mutch colder in winter ..... just take out the plug under the carb bowl you we see the jet inside ...number are print on the jets ....
Will do tonight.
