2000 and up HP to the track

There isnt anything stock about the sled...., who are you trying to convince??? You have aftermarket pipes,remember the write ups you posted as to how much better they are?? The dyno sheets you posted, the weight savings etc. You have entire front alum suspension, drive axle, belt drive, and supposedly super dialed in clutching,(remember your own typing:strongest srx ever at the dyno!!), so whats left thats stock... the hood? We can clearly see the sled isnt super dialed in,78-79hp leaves alot left to gain doesnt it?
Thats what all this stems too, I posted a good clutched srx will do over 80hp to the track and it doesnt take a belt drive, thats the truth! Excuses are like rectums everyones got one, so I dont put any validity in yours. You have more tuning to do, simple as that. You should be able to do over the hp srxspec has posted, you have less rotating weight,(drilled brake rotors,alum drive axle, belt drive. etc), looks like some more dyno time is where you should spend some time.

I will personally set up a srx for you to race free of charge. I dont believe youd be very happy with the result!


Im not egging anybody on but bring your sled to the Munising Ty next year. Ill run you on my 02. when we go up to Grand Marais, there is a nice 2 mile straight away. I told Bruce I would run against your sled.
Hey Matt I'm doing a srx right now that Don is doing the engine I will have it done for next year Rib Lake the chasis needs a lot of tlc so then we can compare.
mrviper700 said:
There isnt anything stock about the sled...., who are you trying to convince??? You have aftermarket pipes,remember the write ups you posted as to how much better they are?? The dyno sheets you posted, the weight savings etc. You have entire front alum suspension, drive axle, belt drive, and supposedly super dialed in clutching,(remember your own typing:strongest srx ever at the dyno!!), so whats left thats stock... the hood? We can clearly see the sled isnt super dialed in,78-79hp leaves alot left to gain doesnt it?
Thats what all this stems too, I posted a good clutched srx will do over 80hp to the track and it doesnt take a belt drive, thats the truth! Excuses are like rectums everyones got one, so I dont put any validity in yours. You have more tuning to do, simple as that. You should be able to do over the hp srxspec has posted, you have less rotating weight,(drilled brake rotors,alum drive axle, belt drive. etc), looks like some more dyno time is where you should spend some time.

I will personally set up a srx for you to race free of charge. I dont believe youd be very happy with the result!

That leaves the engine. Still only putting out 140hp correct. Yes all the light weight stuff helps. So does the light weight brake and drive, but still stock engine???? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Hey Tom wanna run my Attak . If you are going to Febs Muni ride we can run :)
Last time I checked when you add aftermarket pipes, reeds and such to a engine its not stock anymore is it! get real frogg
WOW, so quick to jump on my case viper.
It looks like the pipes were not the power adder they were claimed to be. As for Reeds they will help throt respose, idle and starting. Not a power adder. Start cutting the heads, Playing w/ ports and port timing, Big bore kits, cold air kits, boring the carbs, advancing the timing those are power adders.
I would think a good tuner w/ a stock motor could get around the same sled w/ pipes. Am I right????

Now MrViper, relax take a breath and count to 3. Another breath nice and deep. Relax.....

Can't we all get along??????
ya,ya Im tired of more excuses. pretty simple, you argued you had to have over 150hp to get 83-84hp to the track, the sheets were posted, along with the sled that made them and again you were mistaken. Its been done before Ulmers did it, in snowtech magazine, so before you go spouting off you really should do a little research. You have alot of stuff added on that machine, some of it is neat, some of it is nothing but looks, thats ok, but you should spend time tuning it instead of bragging and then set the bar up for everyone else to work to. If all these "improvments" are so good youd be well over 85hp to the track now wouldnt you? You should have easily smoked srxmagics speed or mine on radar, with ease. If your adding power from the pipes from the dyno sheets you plastered everywhere on here, and gains from the belt drive, and everything else you post about(brake rotors,drive axles,etc.).The driveline being lightened up and modified, and lets not forget"superior clutching" it should have hardly any rolling resistance,and be super efficent. You are showing us that the drive does indeed improve the hp to the track right? that is free power then right?
Your young and sometimes when your young you tend to think no one else knows better or more then you, I understand that, we all did it. Something you can never, ever achieve with no amount of school is expierance! Now take advantge of all that stuff you have and tune it in, set the bar for all others to work to. Theres no fruit in arguing over the internet, go out in the field and prove what you have! show big numbers in your next radar run, set the bar up high for everyone else to work too, then youll be taken seriously! my last comment on this.

Not jumping on you frogg, you just didnt read it all, theres no hard feelings. I was making a simple statement at the beginng of this post, Matt tries to sell all these ingenius ideas but yet they are not producing any improvements, I am just trying to get him to go out and set the bar for others to work to, then he has accomplished something.
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Im going to Africa next month for a while but will be on the TY ride in 08. Sure would love to run your Attak. I got beat by nos-pros Attak but i dont care if I get beat. It gives me something to work at on my sled if I do since I do not get to come home much and ride. Ive made a few adjustments since so should be better next year.

You will make it fair and turn off the NOS if you use it right?
How are there no improvements with my ideas which you are speaking of the belt drive directly. Even if my numbers are low which you claim, is there not a great improvment with the belt drive over the chaincase? As for the pipes, THEY WERE NOT HOT. One thing about the pipes I got were they needed to be hot in order to outperform the stockers. Once again in my radar run, I was not running the belt drive so that number was with the stock engine and pipes and that is it! Not to mention the sled has a raised front and rear suspension which 123 on the gun with a raised suspension sounds perty good to me. I am not the one going off numbers in this debate. I want to go race you or anyone with a fast SRX to see how I do. I never said mine was the most powerful sled on the dyno, the guys who dynoed it said that to me. Who knows, maybe because they are two different dynos, they are setup differently and they are reading different numbers? I don't make the rules when it comes to numbers. I know in real world races my sled is very competitive with other sleds. I don't care about the numbers any more because I am sure there are differences between dyno to dyno and day to day so the numbers may not be the same. The best way to see if your sled is fast is to race someone heads up and see how you do. Even radar numbers are hard to go off of because conditions differ all the time. I am willing to race anyone and I will let that race determain if my sled is fast or slow, nothing else.
Mrviper, No hard feelings. And yes I think I may skipped a few posts. Trying to read while working. Work gets in the way of my leisure :)

Tom, Africa???? Your poor snowmobile. My Attak does not have nos YET. Not sure if it will... But a friendly run will be fun.
take care of yourself when you are over there.. Be safe

2001srx, you do have some neet stuff on your sled. I saw the belt drive at the GRayslake show. Very NEAT. When I am done long tracking my srx it would be a neat add on. Bringing the ole sled to the track and running it will show your results :) good luck w/ the tuning.

Thats what I love about this place. Lots of people sharing info. Some tried and true ideas and some new ones.. Lots for evryone to learn.. Remember the day you stop learning is the day you die.......
If everyone is getting 80 HP plus on a well setup clutched SRX i have some work to do. Just got mine back and i'm getting 74 Hp to the track. I would post the dyno sheet but can't figure how to convert pdf to jpeg, wav, ect..
