1999 MM 700 engine problem (ignition related?).

Hi guys!

Did some wrenching on the MM today.

First I disconnected the harness that goes up to the headlight & gauges, removed it from the sled to sinspect it.

One place the harness had touched the exhaust manifoil and I found one wire that looked melted:


I don`t think this has caused any trouble, also, it`s an earth wire so even if it touched the pipe it shouldn`t have done any harm?.


Other wires..

I then degreased it and re-taped the areas where I had removed the stock tape.

Then I decided to check the harness under the engine.

I loosened all the clamps I could see and then started pulling it out on the carb side of the engine. I figured it wasn`t necessary to pull it all the way out, if I let the other end rest on the other side then it would be easy to pull it back.

I found one place where a wire had started rubbing:

Hard to see but it`s the gree wire.. (my camera was out of power so I had a hard time taking good pics). Although it wasn`t rubbed through so I don`t think it caused any trouble.

I then removed all the tape on the harness and retaped it, two layers for extra protection. Now it was time to pull it back, the first 20-30cm went fine, but then it wouldn`t go any further in. I tried fiddling it back and forth, no luck, then I pulled a little harder and I got it back, but as the harness was pulled through the clamps under the engine, the tape got torn apart several places.
(the clamp that sits below the clamp that sits under the carb, seems impossible to reach, ?).

Anyway, I got mad and I hate not to know that everything is correct.
Removed the motor and then retaped the harness once more, I found a better tape in the cowhouse, more elastic, so it`s hard to see that the harness has been re-taped by an amateur. Then I put it back in, I noticed where it touched the frame and then I taped it more on those spots.

I don`t think I will try to fix a harness without removing the enigne, ofcourse it`s easy but I wount be 100% condident that it`s a job well done.
I didn`t look forward to removing the primary clutch because they always give me a hard time, but this one popped off quite easily.

I wanted to shoot some pictures of the clamps that hold the harness but my camera was out of power. It was -12c degrees and we all know what happens with the batteries when it`s cold.
If it were my sled and I had better time, ofcourse I would clean the compartment, but I was freezing my toes off and I wanted to get done.


I then put the motor back in .

Will fit the carbs,airbox,pipes tomorrow before I go to work.
Going to remove the handlebar "stuff" and take it inside for drying. Think there is some ice in the buttons.

Wellwell that`s all for now.. I`ll keep you posted:).
Man!! Kimoaj you are a worker-bee!!!!

When I did the harness on my SXR600 I re-routed the harness up and over the recoil instead of down under the motor. Down below is such a crappy environment for electrical stuff. But you can take a motor in and out in your sleep now so you're good to go!!!

Let us know how it goes with the new stator!!


Hi guys

Thanks Exciterfan! :). When I think about it, it`s amazing how much easier it is to wrench on snowmobiles compared to motorcycles. But I guess the newer snowmobiles are much harder to diassemble then the old ones. (newer Apex, Vectors, Phazers?)

I thought of re-routing it, figured Yamaha put the harness at the best place, but if I knew that other people had re-routed it then I would have re-routed it. I will for sure if something electrical starts acting up again. I don`t think there were any shorts from wire rub through under the engine, but now atleast I`m sure!.

I think the stator will show up before the weekend, but if it doesn`t it`s no big deal because I will be working in the weekend so I don`t know if I`ll have time to wrench on it.

Anyway, the MM was missing it`s speedometer when we bought it. SRX6 here at the forum had one for sale, so I bought it from him, I also bought a tachometer because the old one (like we all know) has been under water and it started to act up a little, suddenly the rew counter didn`t work.. . Also, the previous owner has opened it up to fit a new blue "gauge disc", to change the look of the tachometer.
Both the speedometer and the tachometer should be in the mail now so I guess I will have them someday in next week, or atleast I hope so. My brother in law and my sister will be coming home next weekend, so I want to surprice him with new gagues, handle bar hooks and least but not last a working sled.

When I removed the stator the screws were basically ruined so I ordered new screws from Rich, along with the handlebar hooks and the plastic mountings for the gauges+gauge gaskets. I really hope that the MM will be OK, feel so sorry for my brother in law who just bought the sled, then waited 1,5months for the snow to come, then the snow came and he went through the ice.
Now we have more snow then we`ve had in years.. so I hope the MM will be ok:).

Wellwell I`ll keep you posted:)
Hi guys!

The new stator showed up on Saturday!!. Jwiedmayer is a great guy, thanks alot!.
I worked late on Friday, then went sledding 23.30, back home 03.00, went to bed 03.30 after writing a post here on the forum about some powder fouling problems on my SRX. (I was kind of frustrated). Then went to work 08.30, back home 19.00, at this time I was really frustrated because I know that my besserwisser uncle was visiting us (family-event), but then when I went inside I found the package with the stator lying on the table. I was so happy!. Thanks to Jwiedmayer for saving my day:).
A little later some friends came over and we grabbed a few glass`s of coke and relaxed, then we went sledding again. I taped off all the air vents in my hood and replaced one of the BR9ES plugs (had to BR9ES and on ECS in my SRX) with an ECS that I found in the garage the was OK. I didn`t like to ride it with the ES but.. wellwell. The conditions up in the mountains were a little better (for my case) because the snow was a little more "packed", but it there still was some powder, and last night I didn`t foul a single plug, so that makes me happy.
Wellwell enough about my SRX.

On Friday I removed the handlebar from the MM, took it inside to dry all the buttons, (just to be sure that there is no water left). I disconnected the brake line so I will have to blead it, so I will replace the fluid which is good, this way I`ll know that there can`t be any water mixed with the brake fluid.

I`m not sure when I will put the stator back on, probably wount be before Thursday. I really hope it will work, my sister and brother in law will be coming home for the weekend so I really hope it will be OK.

I doubt that I will get the package from Rich with the new stator screws, (before the weekend), I really like to put things together with original screws, but I guess I will have to find some other ones. (I know it really doesn`t matter, but I can`t help it, I`m wierd).

However maybe the new gauges will show up, they were sent from US on Thursday so they might arrive.

Here`s a picture of the stators.

At first I thought I could use "normal" screws but then I realized that there wouldnt be enough clearance between the stator and the screws so I used these screws instead:

I fit the stator/flywheel & recoil yesterday. Tightened the flywheel nut to 110newtons.

I have a day off tomorrow so I will finish it tomorrow morning, have to mount the carbs/airbox, handlebar & everything, exhaust pipes & seat.

This morning the post man knocked on the door:

AWESOME! :). The gauges I bought the 98SRX6 here at the forum, great man!. Thanks so much.
There are so many nice people on this forum!.

I was happy to find out that they came with the mounting brackets:

I had ordered a new one from Rich (for the speedometer, I allready had one for the tachometer), so I will have one extra when I get the package from Rich.. but that`s ok. Can`t wait to see my brother in laws face when he sees that his sled has got new gauges:). (it didn`t have a speedometer when he got it).
The tachometer started acting up alittle after the dive, also, the previous owner has had it apart to change the gauge color, so I figured I might as well get a new tachometer too.

I`ll keep you posted.. hopefully the MM will run like it should now.
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Hi guys!

jwiedmayer: OK I see but it`s a 65 kilometers drive (one way) to the nearest town so I didn`t bother to go there only for a couple of screws. The "normal" screws I found were OK.. but thanks for the tip anyway:).


Started working 08.30 this morning, first thing I did was to fit the handlebar.
Connected everything and then I was suppost to blead the brake. I`m used to bleading motorcycle brakes and often it`s hard to get pressure on the lever, this was also the case with the MM. I then took a hose and sucked some brake fluid into it (with my mouth), then I attached the hose to one of the bleading-nipples. Then I undid it and blowed as hard as I could. I could see air bubbles coming out of the reservoir (voar?), then when I shut the nipple and squiezed the lever there was pressure like never before.
I then blead them the normal way to make sure there was no air left.

random pic..

Then I removed the float chamers (carbs were allready off) and blew through the jets.
Put carbs & airbox back on, then mounted the exhaust and finally the new gauges.

Put coolant in her and then started pulling the starter rope.

The last time I had the carbs off, it started after only 5-6 pulls or so. (I use to pull it over without the plugs in, before I try to start it, to make gas flow to the carbs, it seems to work).
I did it today too.
Pulled like crazy but there wasn`t single sign of life.
I assumed I either forgot the vaccum line for the fuelpump or that there was no spark.
There was spark and the plugs were wet. I didn`t understand anything.

I then put a little gas into each sylinder (with a needle) and then tried starting it. It fired imeadiately but only ran for a second or so. Plugs were damn wet. Wiped off the plugs and then put some more gas in the cyls and tried starting. She fired again but wouldn`t run.

I was clueless but I knew that my SRX behaved just like that the first time I fired her up this season.

So I took the heatergun and heated the plugs, heated the cyls alittle to, (thought it might help), and then I blew into the gas tank with my mouth to make the gas flow into the pump/carbs.
I figured the wet plugs were caused by excessive oil in the crankshaft, and not by gass, so... it didn`t get gas. (since it fired when I gave it gas manually).

I then pulled 7-8 times and it started and idled just like it should ! :).

Hurrayy !!. Stupid picture of me:).

I let her idle for a little while.. it sounded much better even at idle.. less pinging in the pipe.


Listening to the engine.. .


Then it was time to really find out if she was cured or not.. .

Rode her down the field a few down at low rpm to get the engine warm.
I then opened her up and man she screamed like never before.. actually thought she ran better then she did before she went svimming.. . Probably something I imagine but.. hehe.
I`m so freakin happy, my brother in law will be so happy.
Gees I love the sound of the MM.. really braap.

When I came back to the garage I opened the oil pump bleed screw while it was running, incase there was any air.
Also wondered how I was suppost to air the cooling system, I opedened the screw ontop of the "joint" that is mounted on the head, but no air seemed to come out.
I touched all the coolers and they were hot so.. .
Going to read in the manual and see if there is a special procedure to follow when bleading the cooling system.


Bad pic of the new gauges
About the same for me 30 miles to any place that carries good metric bolts. Glad it running..

kimoaj said:
Hi guys!

jwiedmayer: OK I see but it`s a 65 kilometers drive (one way) to the nearest town so I didn`t bother to go there only for a couple of screws. The "normal" screws I found were OK.. but thanks for the tip anyway:).

There is one thing I wonder, how much oil should it use?. Stupid question.. . Around 2% I guess.

I made a mark on the oil tank before I fired it up the first time after the diving in the lake, we rode it one Sunday (when she wasn`t running properly due to the stator problems), naturally we didn`t ride her hard because she wouldn`t let us (stator), but we did go for a little trip up in the mountains, guess we rode it 10 kilometers or so.. kind of hard to say. The oil was ca 2cm below the mark I made on the oiltank, I thought it seemed little?. Or am I just overdoing it?. The tank was pretty full so the oil was on the upper part of the tank, which is smaller then the lower part of the tank, if you know what I mean.. .

I`ll keep an eye on the plugs and also the oil level compared to my mark, should be allright I guess.


When the MM was I wepulled the carbs off my friends 1996 V-Max 600 XT, I owned that sled back in the days, to years ago.

She ran like crap, idled high even tho the slides very fully seated to idle position.
When I removed the airbox I could see large amounts of water behind those little jets in the carbs (venturi- side?), I figured there could be ice inside the jets/channels.




Removed bowls and blew through everything. Also removed the top cover above the slide and blew there too. Spraye WD 40 everywhere to clean out as much moisture as possible.
I couldn`t find any water in the bowls so I was kind of disappointed with that.. but I figured the water in the venture-jets probably caused the trouble.

Reassembled and she ran like a champ:).
I then parked my SRX & MM outside our house:)


Ready for the mountain, or atleast I hope so:)


That`s all!

Once again I will have to thank everyone who has helped me out with this issue, thanks alot. My brother in law will be really thankful.

Have a nice weekend everybody, ride carefully:)
MAN! That sure is pretty country and LOOK AT ALL THAT BEAUTIFUL WHITE STUFF!!!

I wish we had more snow like that around here!

Really enjoyed this thread and I'm glad you're running again. Get out there and enjoy that snow!
