are there heavier rivit for tip on stock 2000 srx


New member
Apr 19, 2004
Holland, Michigan
are there heavier rivits for tip on stock 2000 srx swign weights?

I am too high on rpm for top half of shiftout

WWW primary
4.5g each hole

51/43 helix
red wound only to 60 now and still pulls to 8900-9000 on 15deg day

I also added nos this year, so if more tip weight works off the nos, it will also help on the gas too (compared to stock)

i want perfect clutching off the nos


you must have wrong rivet to rave at 8900 9000 on gaz or maybe that engine is not stock
stock engine, except Powerinc Can, and above mentioned clutchwork

I added 4.5 rivit to inner hole last year when I did clutch work
kept stock outer rivit,
stock gearing
long travel rear

off the nos I am hitting 8400 off the line , then climbing to 8900 at the top half of shift (75mph plus)
play with throttle at this speed, can pull 8900 any time at WOT

seemed ok on previous day of 22 deg ( saw 8500-8600)
but second day was 12-15 degrees and seemed to pull more rpm
I can really feel it falling off the pwerband bacasue day one it seemed to pull
a lot better

well i'm sure you don't have 4.5 rivet in both hole if u have the w-w-w yamaha spring
why you say that

the rivits looked simlar size after i installed the inners (last year)

and this combo is what comes recommended by Turk and others

metal color, no paint color

I bought (3) 4.5g rivits from the yamaha dealer and replaced teh inner rivits

worked great last year with a 22 top gear ( down 1 from stock)

I went back to 23 this year cause I figured teh nos will pull when needed.
but now I am high on rpm
I'm thinking the extra lugging (although slight) is pulling a slight backshift

so if there is a bigger rivit available for tip ( helps mostly top end) that it might be the fix

yeah they look black on the bench lolll not gold and what is those weight ?? 8dn-10
so I weight them before and after tapping, and go from there

these can be change on teh sled right? easy enough to reach?
jsut use locktight :rulez:
ok it was hard to see on your picture i just guess it ..... well you can pull out those weight in place but u need a drill to take them out ... i never use locktight u just rivets them in place with a vise
