Heckel's Strikes Again


VIP Member
Jun 3, 2003
Des Plaines, Il.
My buddy blew out his track on a Polaris 700 XC this weekend up in Eagle River. Left it on a lake at about 80 mph.

He opted to take it to Heckel's Marina, and they were happy to charge him $800 for an 1 1/4 Ripsaw and a set of hyfax installed. Ouch.

This place charged me $75 for an 8dn belt last year. I warned him!
Blkhwkbob said:
My buddy blew out his track on a Polaris 700 XC this weekend up in Eagle River. Left it on a lake at about 80 mph.

He opted to take it to Heckel's Marina, and they were happy to charge him $800 for an 1 1/4 Ripsaw and a set of hyfax installed. Ouch.

This place charged me $75 for an 8dn belt last year. I warned him!

He didn't have to pay.... There not going to do it for free. Plus he got back out on the trail and was riding!
bucky said:
He didn't have to pay.... There not going to do it for free. Plus he got back out on the trail and was riding!

That's what he figured. He is incapable of doing it himself, so someone had to do it anyway.

No track = easy hyfax job. $50 total on the high side.
$750 minus approx $350 for the ripsaw equals 400 labor for track replacement? 4 hours @ $100 an hour?

They're crazy. Glad it wasn't me!
Blkhwkbob said:
That's what he figured. He is incapable of doing it himself, so someone had to do it anyway.

No track = easy hyfax job. $50 total on the high side.
$750 minus approx $350 for the ripsaw equals 400 labor for track replacement? 4 hours @ $100 an hour?

They're crazy. Glad it wasn't me!

Didn't mean to come across as an a hole, but 100 per hour is beginning to be a normal rate!! That is the scary part. And when they all go to 4 stroke and other technology when they are more dependable, the dealers will jack the price per hour up more becasue they won't be in the shop as frequentlly as two strokes!! :winterrul
Yep - when I have to work over four hours to pay somebody to work on my sled for an hour, it's time to buy a manual and get dirty!! :)
If that was a factory track the list price would have been higher than $350.
Factory slides are also more than aftemarket.
I am not saying that the dealer charged a fair price at all, but just remember that the hourly rate pays for a whole lot more than the mechanic and service manager.
xsivhp said:
Yep - when I have to work over four hours to pay somebody to work on my sled for an hour, it's time to buy a manual and get dirty!! :)
My thoughts exactly. I do everything I can myself. Hell even when I eat out at the fancy places I choose meals that I won't cook at home.

So far I'm a roofer, plumber, electrician, cook, tile guy, carpet layer, painter, sled repairs, brake jobs, Oil changer, tune-up tech, Radiator tech, PC repair, exterminator, and Dad.

Now that $300 track R&R is a bit excessive but if it was a rush job on the weekend I think that was about inline. (Track may be $350 on sale but don't forget about the dealer markup)

I think we need to remember that as a recreational sport things for us are going to cost more money than they should. Then again the Chevy dealer is up to $85 an hour as well.

Flat rates are for padding the pocket books of the owners. If you follow the money (for a certified experianced tech) only $20-$25 per hour of billable work goes to the tech in the Car industry. Not to bad if your busy but it sucks when your sitting on your butt reading the paper all day.
BBlueSRX said:
Factory track? a ripsaw is made by camoplast.

Camoplast supplies tracks to manufacturers. I do not know if Polaris uses the Ripsaw, but Yamaha does. Heckles is also a Yamaha Dealer.

Dealer prices are usually much more than aftermarket suppliers. Surprise!
That price does not seem that bad....... up here in Canada 1 1/4 ripsaw is $550.00 plus 4 hours of labour at $100.00 per hour = $950.00 plus tax.

Dennis Kirk charges $682 for the Ripsaw. But they will ship it for free :)
Dudes gotta eat!!
Been a slow year...how many of us that needed a part on a weekend were just glad the place was open and had our part!!
Its all relative to our needs at the time. Me, I got my ripsaw for under 350 shipped from T USA.
Went up the next weekend and fixed it in 5 degree heat...not fun.
