Anybody added Flowrites to their sled?

snow guy

New member
Mar 10, 2004
Fairbanks, AK
I just put pipes on my MM700 and wondered about adding some air since I've increased the air flow to the motor. I put some flowrites in the dashes of other sleds before and they seemed to help. Not much info on this site for yammy's. I was thinking of adding a couple of 2" ers to the flat area below the gauges.

Bought some a couple years ago, but haven't had the guts to install them yet. Would like to install more to rid underhood temps as to give carbs more air.
However I
Did a lot of visiting with different yami mechanics and the one thing they all encourage is fatten' up the much..........nobody will say, because with the flowrites you are pulling in out side air,cold, outside air. And depending on where you ride, myself the west, you can encounter different degrees of air temp in one day. So the jetting could change several times thru out the day. Colder near creeks and valleys,,,,,,,,,,could be alot warmer on top with an enversion. At least the under hood temps stay relativly on an even keal.
Yes, and they help! I run the same jetting as before. I did leave the under hood air intake intact, so it pulls some warm air from under the hood, and cold air through the flow-rites.
Most of the improvement is noticable in deep snow!
added some to mine and found no need to change the jetting. I was a little on the safe side before so I had a little room. I would say it would depend how close your jetting is now on whether or not you will have to make any changes.
I used that 2.5" rubber mounted ones. (made for contoured surfaces) Installed them in the "forced air induction" passages. Same as the Viper pic in SLP's catalog.
i also have two of them installed below the speedo and tach. help greatly in the POW. my egr temps didnt change that much. plugs look cardboard brown. i can get pics if u want
Pictures would be great, I decided to go with 2 2", I started to get the 2 1/2 but am a little gun shy about adding too much air and making it cold blooded. I tried the airbox mod and the motor wanted to fall all over itself and didn't want to warm up so I plugged them off. We'll see how the flow-rites work.
here you go


Thanks man, I think mine will go in the same spot, since I went with 2" I can either add another or two or enlarge the hole and put 2 1/2's in.
