Wishing for snow!
i am thinking od 660 snow drags, how can i lower the rear suspsension to 2".
Wishing for snow!
660' snow drag setup.
hey all what setups can i do to acheive good in the drags.
hey all what setups can i do to acheive good in the drags.
Danger Dog
VIP Member
Have a spacer block put in the rear shock and redrill limiter staps to suck the front up.
Wishing for snow!
i heard about the nylon strap? or chain? this will just be temparary.
Wishing for snow!
anyone have any ideas?
Danger Dog
VIP Member
Good luck trying to chain it down. I tried it and there is no room to get you hands in to chain it after you suck it down to ride height. If it is just temporary just do your limiters and tie the front shocks down.
Your #1 performance shop!
Get some rubber belt/strap that is roughly 1" wide. Put a cross shaft between the rails right below the rear shock mount. Run your under the shock (under the shock eyelet) down to the cross shaft that you installed below.
New member
any pictures on how to do this, any pics of a drag sleds suspension?
New member
you want your suspension to couple in snow drags, skis a few inches high off the start.