Need some kinks worked out with my SLP's


New member
Aug 19, 2006
Livonia, MI
Alright last night I FINALLY got my sled finshed after all this time. I started out by breakin in with the primary only. 1st start I ran her for a good 25min never letting it rev at the same rpms for long. Stopped to let her cool a bit and started it 3 times after that using the same process. Then I jacked it up and ran with the belt on to get some drag. NO PROBLEMS........Started it this morning, started on the first pull, let it sit at full choke for 2 or 3min, went to half for about 10min, then no choke. When I went to no choke the IDLE kicked up and when I went to grap some throtthle it bog immeditly. I let the idle screw out competely, so the idle would drop, but NO LUCK. Set the idle screw where it was and put it back to half choke and it revs and idles fine. So what would cause this????
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air temp not the same. Engine temp not the same, a warmer engine is a richer engine, you say you rain it for a good 25 mins yesterday and today only 10-15minutes, so it would be cooler engine and leaner.
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Thanks for the reply. I forgot to mention, I did start out with a 50:1 mixture just as a safety precaution. To make sure the oil pump was in working order. So thats another reason it would be running lean. But after checking the oil level the oil pump is working, so I'm gunna dump the pre-mix and go from there. But if I continue having the same issues and I'm jump to a 50 Pilot but does that mean I can drop my needle setting????
Alright, I'm set at 3.5 right now with the 47.5 pilots. Im gunna dump the premix and see what happens. If the idle doesnt improve I'll bump the pilot up one size.
with the temps as warm as they are, it is going to act pig rich. and for at least then next several days it is only going to get worse here in michigan. test and take notes on temps. it will change once it is cold. and it is hard to do any testing in the garage on the bench so to speak. it needs to be ridden to do most of the tests. ski
