Theres not much point in you adjusting them with the Yamaha method and then turning around and adjusting them through the pipe method, kinda repetitive and pointless. At the beginning of this year i had mine adjusted by the pipe method and then through reading posts on here it actually runs the valves tighter which can cause the cable to pull through. When i found this out i went and adjusted the yamaha way and there was no difference in performance. But i then had the piece of mind that there wasn't as much stress on the cables and valves, which definately is a good thing at the price of powervalve parts. Adjust yours with the Yamaha method and you should be good to go.
Good Luck
Good Luck
New member
Right...yammies way puts less stress on the cables(ends).
Active member
That is what I was thinking guys, after reading all the posts. But that is the way that I adjusted them and now I have a pulled through cable. SO IF IT IS THE RIGHT WAY THEN WHAT THE F@%^ HAPPENED. I have a manual I have read about 50 posts on the issue. Mine worked great before I adjusted them. So now I am sitting here with 20+ inches of snow coming and I have a sled that doesn't have a valve because I used the yamaha method of adjusting. So all I am saying is, I am going to double check before I do it again. Sorry about the attitude I am just pissed about the situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New member
I hear could have just been weak and finaly let go, how's the
others look?????? cable ends not wore??
others look?????? cable ends not wore??
Active member
Well I have not pulled them all apart yet but they all have spring left in them and they are working when I push on them when they are still installed. But I guess I should pull them all so that I know.