Hello, new member....


New member
Feb 19, 2007
Cresco, Iowa
Just thought i'd say hello to everyone and get a pic of my sled up. I currently own a '97 VMAX 600 SX. Current mods are an aftermarket silencer and M10 suspension. I really don't know why they call them silencers, since it's louder. I wouldn't trade the M10 for anything though. Great for the rough trails. I'm about to order a Weisco piston kit for it, since both cylinders are down around 90lbs, and its been fowling plugs repeatedly. Anyways, I hope to learn alot here! ;)!

click for larger image.

Oh, the sled in the back is my dad's '99 VMAX SX700 triple. He has less than $700 invested in that. Bought it wrecked for $500, $200 for parts, and a little time and labor to straighten/fix stuff and it's been running strong for 2 years. He also has a pretty cherry '85 Phazer LE (for sale!).
Don't care how long it lasts, as i'll probably be trading it off for something newer this fall. Also, if it matters, I have an exceptional builder/tuner for this, who know's his way around anything with a Yamaha sticker on it. I'll ask him if I should stick to OEM or get aftermarkets. I can't find OEM's any cheaper than Wiseco's anyways.
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Just wondering if you guys are speaking from experience or just word of mouth. Wiseco makes very quality pistons for many different applications, I don't know why a snowmobile engine would be any different.

I don't see whats funny about the German joke.
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Its not that they are junk, its just that they are not the best chioce for a stock trail sled. The rings are thinner, you run more skirt to wall clearance with them and they expand a great deal faster then the yamaha powdered metal forged units. The yamaha pistons will provide alot of miles of trouble free service and with some ring maintence, they will last a long,long time.

a OEM piston is best in a stock Yammie sled IMO!!!! a yamaha piston is
a very good piston.
A stock oem piston will outlast and out perform the aftermakets by a mile, thicker rings for longevity and a tighter skirt to wall clearance for increased stability and ring sealing.
Thanks for the explanation. Know where I can find an OEM piston kit? I know I can order everything individually, but it's easier to order a kit (slugs/rings/gasket set).
Jeffro said:
Thanks for the explanation. Know where I can find an OEM piston kit? I know I can order everything individually, but it's easier to order a kit (slugs/rings/gasket set).
dunno on the kit , i always buy separate..
Jeffro ive seen alot of guys on this forum these guys know what they are talking about. its kinda like a yamaha family around here these guys will help you with anything
YOU GO bischof!!!! E mail Richirich or click on rich motorsports link!!!! He'll send them to you REALLY QUICKLY!!! I think he lives NEXT DOOR to the post office?????? he's a really good guy with GREAT PRICES!!! he will put together whatever kind of "kit" you want!!!!
Jeffro - if your going to be on here you got to have a sence of humor. Wait til you run into Bischoff. Just listen to these guys, most know what they are talking about. Go with the Wise's if that what your heart says, but in Yamaha's you'll find the best bet is to stick with OEM IE: reeds (unless heavily modded), clutches, pitons and carbs. Feel free to swap susp. (you did that) skis, seat, track and pipes. that has been my take on it for years and it hasn't failed me yet. Good to see ya on here!

crap too late, the bisch has already arrived...LOL
I have a sense of humor! I feel like i'm getting off on the wrong foot with everyone. Haha! Thanks for all the advice everyone. I was mainly looking into the Wiseco's because they were about the cheapest and highest quality slugs I could find. I guess I didn't even really look for OEM parts. I've ordered parts for my '76 SR500 through Boston Motors Yamaha in Muskegon, MI, but I like to support the forums i'm part of, so mabye i'll try Rich Motorsports this time. Thanks!
