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Is it just me or are there others out there that feel the same as I do. I just read in our local paper how the snowmobile market is declining and that several dealers are going to get out of selling sleds. They blame the falling market on snowfall amounts but I beg to differ. I have a family of 5 and our family income is what I would say above the median income. I have been snowmobiling for some 30 years now and have owned a few new sleds. (Last new sled was in 96). I can not justify spending the money that they are asking for the new models even though I would love to own one. Right now I own 3 sleds ( 98 srx 00 MM 700 OO sxr 600) and will be in the market for # 4 for our middle child. I wish that the manufactures would keep the normal working people in mind when manufacturing these toys and pricing them. They eventually will put themselves out of the market by over pricing themselves. Anyone that has to finance a new sled should ask themselves WHY!! Remember these toys are a luxury and if you have to finance them I think you need help! There is a reason why they have 0 0 0 because no working folk can afford their product. I still am loyal to Yamaha and have been for 25 years but I will let all you suckers pay the inflated price and I will wait 5 years and pay a 1/3 of what you paid and still have a sled that probably only has a couple thousand miles on and will be on several trips during the season because I am not having to make payments on my sled. Thanks for letting me vent I am just sick of the prices going up every year.
High prices

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I feel the same way. I have a number of riders and more on the way. Mine include a '99 MM 700, '89 EX 570, '87 EX 570, '86 PZ 485, '02 XC 120, '97 KittyKat. The wife has been riding my mountain max too much and now wants one of her own. I was hoping to upgrade to a 4 stroke but they're too cost prohibative still. Maybe in another few years they'll be down in my price range. One thing I have to admit though, every time I upgrade for around the same price, I get a lot more sled. In '94 I bought my EX 570 ported and piped for $2100. In '03 I bought my MM 700 sans pipes for $2100. So maybe in another six years I'll be able to buy a 4 stroker for $2100???? Wishful thinking. I don't think I'll be able to wait that long. I remember when a loaded sedan was selling in the neighbor hood of $8000. I think the prices will only continue to go up. If you keep your eyes open and are patient enough, I find you can usually score a good deal on a nice sled for a great price. I have also noticed that the market you are in can vary by $thousands. If you're willing to make the trip, you just might find a steal in a neighboring market.
New member
thought about a 4-stroker but the SRX put the breaks on that(couldn't
do both)not sure if i'll ever go that road now, love my smokers...
new sleds are just too $$ for the mileage i'm allowed to put on..
do both)not sure if i'll ever go that road now, love my smokers...
new sleds are just too $$ for the mileage i'm allowed to put on..
New member
everythings more expensive these days, if you wanna play you gotta pay$$.
and why is this in the tech section??
theres so much new technology in these sleds its hard to keep the prices down, ever think of buying a fan? they are much cheaper.
and why is this in the tech section??

theres so much new technology in these sleds its hard to keep the prices down, ever think of buying a fan? they are much cheaper.
New member
daman said:You can play just fine without payingQUOTE]
No arguement there, its just depends if you have the money to BLOW on something youll only use a few months outta the year. On top of that youll never see that large amount of money back. IMO diff. not worth it, I'll stick with buying used.
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New member
X2....ExpertXViper said:But will someone move this thread, doesnt belong here.
Buy some vintage sleds. They only go up in value as the years go on. But you'll have to drive slower. A lot slower. Mybe you'll save on gas to...Just my 2 cents. Dean-o
New member
I agree here! I would love a new 4 stroker but i will NEVER pay that kind of money for a sled! Yamaha now offers one model under 10 grand i believe(phazer)..thats nuts! Guess i`ll stick to my 5-6 yr old used sleds and be happy.
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didn't know I was going to stir the pot so bad. Sorry about posting in the tech section, I was posting some tech questions and forgot to switch forum sections. The next sled will probably be a phazer for the middle kid. I have owned these in the past. They are bullet proof, light , cheap to run and the old man can have fun on it too. My wife also claims the mountain max to be hers, which is fine because I want her to keep coming on the trips with us. This has turned into a great family sport. I can remember in the early 80's that if you seen a lady on a sled you thought WoW she must be a redneck. I do agree that we are paying for technology and I sure don't miss the rough rides, mixing gas and towing them back all the time.
New member
You didn't do anything wrong...mthier said:didn't know I was going to stir the pot so bad.
He does want a fan,dude!
daman said:You can play just fine without paying, yea i'm sure he wants a fan dude
New member
My, my.....well I have to agree that the new sled prices need to level out for the sake of the consumer but for that of the industry as well. I think we all agree that it's taken a big hit the last few years for a variety of reasons. Me, I'm in Iowa and havent' yet worn out my 94... even though I would love something a lot newer it wouldn't even begin to be a viable option.
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mthier said:Is it just me or are there others out there that feel the same as I do. I just read in our local paper how the snowmobile market is declining and that several dealers are going to get out of selling sleds. They blame the falling market on snowfall amounts but I beg to differ. I have a family of 5 and our family income is what I would say above the median income. I have been snowmobiling for some 30 years now and have owned a few new sleds. (Last new sled was in 96). I can not justify spending the money that they are asking for the new models even though I would love to own one. Right now I own 3 sleds ( 98 srx 00 MM 700 OO sxr 600) and will be in the market for # 4 for our middle child. I wish that the manufactures would keep the normal working people in mind when manufacturing these toys and pricing them. They eventually will put themselves out of the market by over pricing themselves. Anyone that has to finance a new sled should ask themselves WHY!! Remember these toys are a luxury and if you have to finance them I think you need help! There is a reason why they have 0 0 0 because no working folk can afford their product. I still am loyal to Yamaha and have been for 25 years but I will let all you suckers pay the inflated price and I will wait 5 years and pay a 1/3 of what you paid and still have a sled that probably only has a couple thousand miles on and will be on several trips during the season because I am not having to make payments on my sled. Thanks for letting me vent I am just sick of the prices going up every year.High prices
I have to admit , I am in the same boat. I would love to own a new 4 stroke, but the cost factor has gotten way high. I guess it also has to do with your priorities in life. I have kids too and I have to put them first ,so there has to be sacrifices. I am trying to pay my house off before my kids graduate so the bulk of my income is going there. Furthermore my Viper still runs and handles great. I think I am going to wait and find a deal on one that has low miles. Heck these new 4 strokes should run forever. A few thousand miles on one is nothing. The chassis will wear out before the motor ever does.
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They are too much money - but we're all part of the trickle down of used sleds - thank the good lord people have enough money to buy the new ones or we'd be stuck on the old stuff forever!
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All of us that purchase sleds new are suckers huh? I have owned 20 sleds in my life and in the begining i purchased used because that is all i could afford. For the past 10 yeasrs i have purchased new dogs every couple of years and been COMPLETELY HAPPY with my purchases, are sleds more expensive than they have been in the past? Yes, do they handle better than the ones in the past? You bet! Do they ride better? YES! Anything you purchase new loses value right far as the manufactures over pricing their stuff....The market will tell them that, weather conditions will tell them that. If you want to wait 5 years to drive 5 year old techology go ahead...While i am spending the doe to ride the latest, best, to have the most fun.....Nothing is for free man..not even freedom
All of us that purchase sleds new are suckers huh? I have owned 20 sleds in my life and in the begining i purchased used because that is all i could afford. For the past 10 yeasrs i have purchased new dogs every couple of years and been COMPLETELY HAPPY with my purchases, are sleds more expensive than they have been in the past? Yes, do they handle better than the ones in the past? You bet! Do they ride better? YES! Anything you purchase new loses value right

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YAMADOG said:If you want to wait 5 years to drive 5 year old techology go ahead...While i am spending the doe to ride the latest, best, to have the most fun..... Yamadog
With those 2 sentences shows how ignorant you really are. First off who are you to judge whats best and whats not?....just cause it new means it the best....I think not its all OPINION. My dream sled isnt a NEW 4 stroke(580lb. PIG), its actually the sled I own but its lacking some Ohlins up front to make it, MY full package as a BUMP sled. Every ones is whining about MPG, the season is only a few months long.... who gives a sh**. On top of that your telling me riding a "5 year old" sled I cant have as much fun as YOU cause it not NEW or so called the "BEST"?????

I'd rather see my bank account increase than spend 10g's every 2-3 years, for something I only use 2-4 months outta the year. But hey keep buying new sleds so guys like me can save $$$$.
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So my opinion does not count? Only yours huh? Shows how ingnorant you are. If you think 5 years old stuff is as good as the new I know thats just pride far as bank account, mine is just fine thank you very much...My sled a pig LOL I think you would be suprised if you look at the "WET" weight compared to the 2 strokes....either way i was giving you a view from the other side, if you dont want any other view
You know its easy talk here, not abuse. If you are offended, that was not my intention and hopefully not yours................Yamadog
So my opinion does not count? Only yours huh? Shows how ingnorant you are. If you think 5 years old stuff is as good as the new I know thats just pride far as bank account, mine is just fine thank you very much...My sled a pig LOL I think you would be suprised if you look at the "WET" weight compared to the 2 strokes....either way i was giving you a view from the other side, if you dont want any other view

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I never said your opinion didnt count, just not all agree with your opinion thats why I expressed mine. 5 year old stuff vs. todays STOCK vs. STOCK, yes I'll agree its better. But you can make those dinosaurs just as good as the new stuff with A/M goodies, Pipes, Skids, Skis, Risers, etc. They may not get the MPG that 4's get but when sleds were originally built, MPG was not a huge concern its was about having fun no matter what the cost of gas. Which MPG isnt not a concern of mine, reason why I said the season is only so long so cough up the cash and go ride. Then theres reliability of the 2 stroke, ME personally I have no problems with changing my rings on my sled every 2500-3000miles to keep my piston within spec and running in tip top shape. But before spending 10's on something you use so little IMO not worth it, theres some many other toys that you can buy that you can use alot more or all year round. ME persoanlly, before spending that much money on new sleds over a 8-10 year span. Id save and buy myself a Mini 2 Seater T/C Busa Sandrail. 250-300hp in 800lbs. for $25-$30 grand, ya cant get a bigger smile than that after sitting in one and they hold their value better than alot of things. But no harding about all this, it all in good fun. Take it ez
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Not to jump into the argument here, but my point I mentioned about my Viper runs great.....yes it does, other than the Apex's it runs with or beats RX 1's, runs with or beats every 800 twin I have ever run ( 2 -ZR800's, a ton of XC800's, 2- MXZ 800's, A new REV800 and also a ZR900) and recently ran within' a sled length or less than a new MACH Z on the big end on a long lake run. Man that's not bad considering how old this sled is. It still rides decent too considering I haven't rebuilt the shocks since 2003.