2008 Sleds Way to much $$$

cant we all just get along it doesnt matter what you want to ride. remember guys there are people out there that cant even afford the luxury that we have. so as the saying goes "SHUT UP AND RIDE" :rofl:
fasttoys17 said:
cant we all just get along it doesnt matter what you want to ride. remember guys there are people out there that cant even afford the luxury that we have. so as the saying goes "SHUT UP AND RIDE" :rofl:
I'll agree with that........
My Last new sled (a spring order) was a 1996 XT600 with reverse, electric start, cover and additional 2 year extended warranty was $6857.00 Last night (Feb 28th) I bought a brand new leftover 2006 RS Rage with saddle bags and mirriors $6777.00. I finally made the jump by Considering, the 10 year difference, Both are out the door prices and the fact I keep my sleds along time made the decision a lot easier ! It will help that I no longer have to buy 2 stroke oil at $25-30 dollars a gallon and probably will come close to doubling the miserable 9-10 M.p.g. of my 96 !
I think sledders in general alway's want more. Better suspention, more power, comfort, fuel mileage, etc, etc, etc. The manufactures are aware of what people need. They spend a pile of money in development to satisfy the costomer, And give them what they ask for. Then we cry that they are too excpencive. I don't really understand why anyone would complane about the price of the new Yamaha's. If you want the best there is a price to pay. Just like anything els, You can look at two 60'' big screen tv's. One is half the price, what do you think your getting with the cheeper one. JUNK.
