Ethanol BAD???

Called my dealer about the same question, just the other day. He says that the jetting on the Viper(03 at least) is rich enough and no need to worry. Might want to think about a product called Startron or E-zorb that is used to combat the problem. I use the Startron in my two cycle 250 Pro Max Mercury outboard as a precaution. The biggest problem with Ethanol is phase separation when you let the fuel sit for 60-90 days. Stabil is not a solution for the potential problem. Hope that this helps.

Have run regular Ethanol blend last couple years.I'm told you should jet up couple of sizes.I usually try to keep half mixed with regular gasoline,especially in colder weather.
Machine runs a little crisper with it and have had no trouble so far.I leave my tempo-flo
at stock setting unless it is really warm.Stock jetting also.
