Modified Exhaust Law


New member
Jan 26, 2007
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Byron IL.
Does anyone know if Michigan enforces a modified or loud exhaust law on snowmobiles like Wisconsin and other states. Just curious
No they don't. At least around here they don't. I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for pipes or anything.
No they don't. I have run into the DNR with SLP's+stingers, and a blown out dynoport can on the single pipe and they could care less.
After reading the posts lately about people getting tickets (mainly from Canada) I guess we're pretty lucky. Let's just hope it stays that way. If they banned pipes here it would suck real bad
No but i wish they would,,,,these people fly by at all hours of the night
with them loud *** sleds pissing property owners off then they put up
no trespassing signs and fences, there's hardly any good places to ride
then you got dumb #$%&* that do stuff like that,,,also it make's people
call the cops.... :o|

i see it every year.......
Well if they ever start enforcing anything with snowmobiles they better do it with Harley's too... I don't like people ripping through my yard in the middle of the night with loud #$%&* sleds either, but it doesn't bother me as much as someone going by here on a Harley that's as loud as possible. Or worse yet a clan of them. Sometimes I wonder if it's a contest to see who can make theirs the loudest
Let's hope some idiot committee of non-sledders does not pass some ambiguous pipe law. It should strictly ban excessive noise if anything. A person can enjoy whatever power level they are comfortable with as long as it does not mess with anyone else.

I HATE victimless crime laws.
Yama49601 said:
but it doesn't bother me as much as someone going by here on a Harley that's as loud as possible. Or worse yet a clan of them. Sometimes I wonder if it's a contest to see who can make theirs the loudest
yea that's just as bad too them things go by so damn loud the wifes pitchers vibrate on wall, i don't know how they get away with that crap but they do.. #$%&*

:die: Harley's
Maybe it should be posted where trails are in residential can ride all day in the UP and not see a "residential" area. I dont think it should apply to an entire state when only a fraction of the trails are actually near residential areas. Well I guess it doesnt apply to MI anyway but...
I just read in michigan snowmobile association latest magazine that its in the works.It will be with a decibel meter which it should be.It will take into account environmental variables and will be as follows, 4000 rpm's holding the brake for 4 seconds I believe and it has to be 88 decibels or less to pass.I was glad to hear that there not just saying "gotta be stock or your getting a ticket" mentality as Wisconsin and other states have done, we shall see.88 decibels is fairly loud is'nt it?
daman said:
No but i wish they would,,,,these people fly by at all hours of the night
with them loud *** sleds pissing property owners off then they put up
no trespassing signs and fences, there's hardly any good places to ride
then you got dumb #$%&* that do stuff like that,,,also it make's people
call the cops.... :o|

i see it every year.......
That is why i sold my just bought P.I end dumps! I will not be "That guy"
SWEDE said:
I just read in michigan snowmobile association latest magazine that its in the works.It will be with a decibel meter which it should be.It will take into account environmental variables and will be as follows, 4000 rpm's holding the brake for 4 seconds I believe and it has to be 88 decibels or less to pass.I was glad to hear that there not just saying "gotta be stock or your getting a ticket" mentality as Wisconsin and other states have done, we shall see.88 decibels is fairly loud is'nt it?

The following is a list of DECIBEL INTENSITIES taken from Encarta 2005.

0-Threshold of hearing
10-rustle of leaves, a quiet whisper
20-average whisper
20-50-quiet conversation
40-45-hotel, theater between performances
50-65-loud conversation
65-70-traffic on a busy street
75-80-factory noise( light/medium work)
90-heavy traffic
110-140-jet aircraft at takeoff
130-threshold of pain
140-190-space rocket on takeoff
mustangzrule said:
Let's hope some idiot committee of non-sledders does not pass some ambiguous pipe law. It should strictly ban excessive noise if anything. A person can enjoy whatever power level they are comfortable with as long as it does not mess with anyone else.

I HATE victimless crime laws.

It is coming guys. The national forest service is now in the process of developing a testing method to monitor sled noise on forest service trails. Don't know when or what kind of test they will come up with, but believe me it is coming soon. Well be based on 78 decibles, that is what we are hearing here in the western mountains. Check with your local ACSA (American Council of Snowmobile Associations) rep., they can keep you posted. Canada is really cracken' down, they have closed trails near houses for loud rides.
78 dB is the law here in Michigan for sleds at 50 feet.

81dB is the law for motor vehicles inc. motor cycles.

This is a very heated topic among several of my friends. It is also a good part of why I like winter around where my house is. The noise standards are not at all enforced. It is a $500 third offense fine that would really help the state budget if they would just enforce the law. Seems speeding and seatbelts are the only thing they care about. Maybe safer, quieter cars/bikes should take notice too.

Rant off...

For the record my XTC has the stock pipe and muffler. As long as other sleds are less than 78dB at 50 feet I am fine with whatever modifications you want to do. It is amazing how loud some sleds get. Why would you want to make it any louder than necessary?
Maybe it should be posted where trails are in residential can ride all day in the UP and not see a "residential" area. I dont think it should apply to an entire state when only a fraction of the trails are actually near residential areas.

i would have to agree. in northern NH there are more trails then there are houses. you can ride all day and never come within 25 miles of a residence. so i can undertand some form of sound limit within residetial areas.

but on the flip side i see that as the first step in the wrong way. who is to say that they offer an inch and take a mile. it would be like a foot hold for someone to pass another law down the road saying that even stock cans are "to load".

just my opinion.
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Here is the law as it is currently written in Michigan;

(d) Without a muffler in good working order and in constant operation from which noise emission at 50 feet at right angles from the vehicle path under full throttle does not exceed 86 DBA, decibels on the “a” scale, on a sound meter having characteristics defined by American standards association S1, 4-1966 “general purpose sound meter”. However, noise emission from a snowmobile manufactured after July 1, 1977, and sold or offered for sale in this state shall not exceed 78 decibels of sound pressure at 50 feet as measured under the 1974 society of automobile engineers code J-192a. This subdivision does not apply to a snowmobile that is being used in an organized race on a course which is used solely for racing.

There are two testing methods - one is the 50' method and the other is the 18"-24" from the exhaust method - the second would have a higher db restriction - my guess is if Michigan changes the law it will simply be the addition of the second test method :dunno:
