Modified Exhaust Law

2-strokes have a huge advantage at the 50' one 'cause their exhaust notes tend to be a high frequency, burns itself out alot faster than a comparable 4-stroke. I think California has outlawed 4-stroke MX bikes for exactly this reason.

the 18" one tho, that's not good news, even a stock sled will be close to breaking that.
.....2-strokes have a huge advantage at the 50'....

Then add in the snow factor - snow would have the same dampening effect on sound pressure as the foam used in a recording studio - at least a simular effect - that is probably why they want to change the law - they can write more tickets with the 18"-24" test method!!!
ya exactly. But it's bollocks. Do you drive within 18" of some dudes window?

I mean there's 100+ dB sleds out there and ya, that's a problem that should be addressed if it's seen to be a big deal, but a 2-stroke sled, on snow, at 50', is quieter than an average car at 10-20', and that's not considered to be a big deal.
daman said:


I've never been unable to hear the tv because of a sled or two. The Harleys get me wound up pretty frequently. Every time I've been pulled over in a car for loud exhaust they piss me off even more.
Both the antiques in the garage (El tigres) have twin pipes and no mufflers. They are still not as obnoxious as a piped up triple though. I lost a stinger off the '73 once and I got pulled over and questioned about it-no ticket.
.....There are two testing methods - one is the 50' method and the other is the 18"-24" from the exhaust method - the second would have a higher db restriction - my guess is if Michigan changes the law it will simply be the addition of the second test method......

This just in boys and girls - just got my latest issue of MSA News and they expect the new "sound" law to pass in Michigan before the season starts - appears there is a new test method (which is the one put into law in Wisconsin recently) SAE J-2567 - just as I thought, it is a stationary test - they put a decibel meter on a tripod 48" off the ground and 4 meters (about 12') behind the sled - you are asked to rev your sled to 4000 rpm's and hold it for 4 seconds - you repeat this a second time, and they take the average of the two readings - you either pass or fail - fail, and you are sited on the spot - I don't know what the fine is or if the law has actually been passed (I'll keep researching that) but all I can say is you might want to look at taking off your aftermarket cans!! - Oh, by the way, the decibal limit is 88db (for those of you that want to test what you have) - I think it kind of sucks (because I love the sound of a can on a triple) but if it helps save the sport and some trails I guess it is a small price to pay! :dunno:
Quiet sleds = Open trials - we as a group need some good publicity and soon!
I love the sound of my triple even with the stock exhaust on it, lol. Is that lame?
In the MSVA of Ontario its pretty vague.

Equipment requirements

Muffler in working order

18. (1) No person shall drive a motorized snow vehicle unless it is equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation and no person shall drive a motorized snow vehicle which has a muffler cut-out, straight exhaust, gutted muffler, hollywood muffler, by-pass or similar device upon the motorized snow vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.44, s. 18 (1).

Removing or modifying any component

(2) No person shall drive or permit to be driven any motorized snow vehicle upon which any component or device, which was required under the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada) at the time that the motorized snow vehicle was manufactured or imported into Canada, has been removed, modified or rendered inoperative. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.44, s. 18 (2).

Exception in racing area

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to a motorized snow vehicle while it is driven in a racing area sanctioned as such by the council of the municipality within which the racing area is located. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.44, s. 18 (3); 2002, c. 17, Sched. F, Table.

Oh and I love S 18. (2)
Basically it says don't modify your snowmobile.
My experience in Canada (which has been only one ride) if it ain't stock, you get sited - I knew this ahead of time from the group I went with and I put my stock silencer back on before the trip - they are strict on speeds coming into town also from our experience - awesome riding so it is worth it!!! - I guess the bottom line is, if it helps save the sport, it is worth it!!! ;)!
yammiman said:
My experience in Canada (which has been only one ride) if it ain't stock, you get sited - I knew this ahead of time from the group I went with and I put my stock silencer back on before the trip - they are strict on speeds coming into town also from our experience - awesome riding so it is worth it!!! - I guess the bottom line is, if it helps save the sport, it is worth it!!! ;)!

It all depends on where you are and how you handle it when you get pulled over. We've rode with aftermarket pipes and cans before and had no trouble, but the DG twins on Daves sled might be a little overkill.
We rode out of Hornepayne, Ontario - we never got pulled over or even checked for anything but we all had stock exhaust - a few mounties were checking our speed coming into some towns though!!
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i have been trying to avoid this thread but i cant. as a harley rider with pipes that do not meet the lame *** decibel standards. i am a rider who likes to not only feel the power but also hear the power. you guys are opening up a can of worms by pursueing this just let it go let the man issue his tickets. i was at the international seaplane fly-in in greenville maine and ther is nothing louder than an old beaver turning up his engine taking off in fact even the cessnas were loud and these planes are all over the place here. there is more to this topic than some of you see. how i handles this is areas that do not want my tourist dollars because my sled, bike, 4 wheeler is loud are not going to get them and i will continue to go places that could care less. by the way wher i ride i do not see houses and bambi dont give a damn if my sled is loud :bash: !
yeah its not all that bad knock on wood for this seaon, im running a bender and havent had any problem relistically they cant do much,

a) they cannot look under your hood without warrant
b) they dont have Db meters so they cant prove your sled is actually above the 92db legal limit

none the less, the bender is not obnoxious or loud by any means sure at WOT when the valves are open she screams but pit puttin around the guys i ride with stock sleds are very comparable we had a MBRP on the zrt and wow that thing BARKED, sounded awesome but a nbit too loud so were gonna add some baffles eventually to tame it
Loud Pipes

I have personally seen people in the UP get tickets for loud pipes. (Ironwood/ Wakefield area.) There is no reason for loud pipes, that's one of the reasons why we lost some of the trails.
Roost 'Er said:
a) they cannot look under your hood without warrant
b) they dont have Db meters so they cant prove your sled is actually above the 92db legal limit

Are you talking about Ontario, where did you get this information from?
I joined a club this year, and the guys in my club stated the top two reason trails get closed are noise and people not staying on the trail.
