what's the difference between BR9ES and BR9ECS spark plugs?


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
checked my plugs last night for color and they were a perfect cocoa brown.But noticed the plugs were BR9ES.The SXR's should be running with
BR9ECS.What's the difference and should I change mine to the ECS ones?:dunno: LaLaLa
SXR doesn't require BR9ECS plugs. BR9ES is the standard plug.

SRX does call for BR9ECS plugs.

I think the only difference is that the ECS plug has a special electrode that disippates heat faster than the ES plug, thus helping prevent a burndown at WOT.
What ST said.......also the electrode is harder i think to prevent meltdowns
on long WOT pulls...

i run the ECS's in all my sleds, there only $4.31 U.S ea. around here so that's not bad..
if you look around electrode on ecs it is tapered from thread toward center where the es is flat from bottom of thread to center electrode. the taper is said to make the spark fan out in the cylinder for a more complete combustion, less plug fouling. i always ran eses but yamaha says to run ecses. ecses were about $4 more. if you look at both side by side you will see differance.
The difference between the B9ES and the BR9ES is the the has a restrictor in it.On some models you have to run the r's because of the ignition.Like on some of the doo's the ignition cuts out if just run the B9es.It has to do with the frequency's.The r's won't mess with them.

well I picked up some of them BR9ecs plugs today at Canadian Tire.A 2 pack is $19.99.Since I need 3 of them,had to buy 2 pkg's.That gives me 4,so bought another pkg and that makes 6. Now I have 3 spare ones. $60.00 worth.What does price matter if you can get what you want now.A little cheaper in Royal Distrib. Catologue,but they are out of stock.Hey what the hell,I like spending my hard earned money.LOL At least I have the right plugs now.What do you gap them? I didn't gap them,just put them in.Will check em later for gap.
thanks there daman,and just for you to know:It has started to snow here steady again.Big storm coming thru,temps dropping and winds with it.May go out for a ride in the pm.Yesterday ran both sleds,but the snow is super hard as rock,couldn`t open them up(pinning).The ice scratchers sure did help in these conditions.Yesturday went along a tree line with my SXR and pinned it really good,untill I broke thru the crust.The front end just came up 3 feet and pinned her right through the stuff,like a hot knife in butter.LOL
It's sunny and about -3 here right now. The groomer was out on friday night, but with the amount of roads you sometimes have to run to get to a trail in this area it is pretty well impossible to get a good ride in. Unless you put on a set of 12" wheels to get over the potholes and stones on the gravel roads..... hmmmmm. Maybe i'll rig something up. lol
DON"T DO IT changeup.Haven't you had enough bad luck already with your sled.Do you want to go thru the ice into the cold water yet and really finish things off.Sheesh!!!!!!LOL .You carry oars with ya or life jacket.If there is one thing I know,it is either the potholes or the lake or river that will finish you off,then we would have no more changeup on here.Just do what I am doing,just stir out the window and dream of next season#$%&* :dunno: LaLaLa
Put the Br9ECS plugs in a couple of weeks ago.Before that I had the BR9es plugs.With sled sitting for over a week,took 21 pulls to start it.Today and with the new plugs,and sitting for over a week,started up in 4 pulls.Re gapped plugs to .030.From the package I checked, they were only .018 gap.
bluemonster1 said:
Put the Br9ECS plugs in a couple of weeks ago.Before that I had the BR9es plugs.With sled sitting for over a week,took 21 pulls to start it.Today and with the new plugs,and sitting for over a week,started up in 4 pulls.Re gapped plugs to .030.From the package I checked, they were only .018 gap.
21 pulls???????

you better check your choke circuit out,mine was way out of adjustment..

mine will start on 3-4 pulls sitting 1 week..
