Viper Radiator Install - Air Cooled

Great Questions

Some very good questions. As for snow in the louvers. I'm a groomed trail type rider mostly in Quebec. We do venture off trail some so I'll keep an eye on the louvers to see if they pack with snow. I never thought about the under hood preasure angle and how the air could have flowed the opposite direction. Very good thought. My carbs are vented to atmoshere so that whole lean out the air box theory does not concern me. I do think that the louvers are creating alot of air flow. I think everyone has tried putting their hand out the car window at 60 mph and knows how powerful that wind is. Also you can see in one of the pics a shroud. All air flow must go directly though that radiator with no other way around.

Nice work. I know a guy who could use a setup like that for his RX1. Conditions arent always ideal and my 87 vmax 540 had a radiator and that sled never got too hot, didnt matter what the snow, temps or conditions were. Again, nice setup.
