New member
New member
New member
Hey Dave, I am diging that modded phazer ll ! that thing is sick!
New member
was my buddies....but he sold it because he didnt want to rebuild the clutch which is retarded.....it had big bore 499cc, ported, shaved head, ports were resized for reeds from a 540, aaen single pipe, cold air kit, custom paint job as you can see..., plastic skis, brand new kimpex track with 96 studs, recovered set.....so much more but i cant remember.
Very nice..... I have pulled a couple of these and they will be on the 40th Anniversary Pride page tonight.
Jon Bertolino
Jon Bertolino
Just added some really cool pictures of Tim Bender racing the Vmax 4 FIII in 1992.
Kinda a bump here, but check out the Yamaha Pride page again, more great photo's added. Two recent ones of the VMax 4 powered top fuel dragster and Tim Benders Vmax 4 FIII race sleds.
Keep the pictures coming.
Keep the pictures coming.
82SRX500 said:Guys, I am working on a website page that is directly related to Yamaha and their 40th Anniversary. I am looking for any year from 1968-2007, any model, any condition, digital pictures. If you own a Yamaha sled and have or can take a digital picture of it, please email them to me at: toizrit@comcast.net
Understand that the pictures, if selected, will be posted on my website for anyone to view. No photo credits will be given. The purpose is for showing people interested in Yamaha snowmobiles real world pictures.
snowmobiles can be action shots, garage shots, junk yard shots, show shots, racing etc..... I can't guarantee that all will be used however my intent is to use as many as possible.
Jon Bertolino
Ok guys, now that many are finally starting to realize that winter is the primary season of the year lets get me some photos of your Yamaha snowmobiles. The Yamaha Pride page needs more shots. Must include pictures of your sled, your yamaha filled garage, etc.... if you have photos of Yamaha snowmobiles etc... send them to me and I will see if I can get them posted on the Yamaha Pride page. To view what I have already go to:
www.toizrit.com/yamahabook.htm then once in the site click Yamaha Pride.
Jon Bertolino
fleet man
New member
Here is one of my 83 SRV 540 with an Xtra 12 under it.
And one of my 95 Vmax 600

And one of my 95 Vmax 600

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Thanks, I will get these on the webpage next week. Keep them coming. You can email them directly to me at: toizrit@comcast.net to save TY some bandwidth on this sight.
Jon Bertolino
Jon Bertolino
Guys, the site has gotten over fifty new photos added. Some awesome photos from Boss Racing too!!! We are over 234 photos of Yamaha's past and present on the page. Check it out and submit yours. Hey, if you have some old 35 mm photos from the 70's and 80's maybe try to scan them into a JPG and email me them. It would be cool to see some early photos from the past scanned into this.
Go to: www.toizrit.com/yamahabook.htm
Jon Bertolino
Go to: www.toizrit.com/yamahabook.htm
Jon Bertolino