New member
Ding said:Then you must have a break in a wire or plug somewhere, or the CDI or servo motor has gone bad.
Exactly what I mentioned above, but Im crossing my fingers its not any of those. Let me know if you could make it over to help me out. Thanks again
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New member
The servo check port should be a two wire only,, red and black......Sheermadness03 said:The plug on the sled should be a 3 wire plug, 1 red wire, 1 black wire and a redw/ white chaser.
at least mine is..
New member
The vipers are three wires though by the sounds of it, the link that you showed me of how to make the tester was of a viper and it had 3 wires going into the connector. I think all SRX's are two wires. I don't know what the difference is between the two.
New member
My bad...
Doh!!! forgot we were talking about a vipe..LOL
Doh!!! forgot we were talking about a vipe..LOL

New member
change_up said:The vipers are three wires though by the sounds of it, the link that you showed me of how to make the tester was of a viper and it had 3 wires going into the connector. I think all SRX's are two wires. I don't know what the difference is between the two.
I believe the difference is that the "extra" wire (redw/white chaser) is for the starter solenoid on the vipers (which is not used for the PV testing). -Ed
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New member
no site of the heads yet, im down to the post office about 4 times in the day. lol. im having trouble tracking it since it crossed the border though.
marty f
New member
who are the girls on those sleds, very nice
marty f
New member
who are the girlsSRXer said:I made my own, it worked fine, servo rotated as soon as I put power to it. Make sure the wires are OK going to the little white plug on the harness, aren't pulled out the back maybe off the pins?
New member
Yea fellas were talking about PV testing on a Viper not SRX's. The plug is BLACK and has 3 wires going to the plug.
hi ExpertXViper, did you ever get the tester figured out? did you have to use all three wires? or just the two as mentioned?
Holy old thread!
yeah, the only search i found similar to my problem. i had a bad servo motor, blew the fuse. the one i ordered came with a 3 amp, gonna put a 5 A and try again with another servo motor. my manual shows 2 leads so im gonna use 2 wires. thanks anyway for looking.