Some pictures from today, last ride of the season?.


New member
Jan 16, 2005
Hi guys!

It seems like it`s over for now. It has been raining heavily for two weeks and the temperature has been up to 12+.
Last year we took our last trip on the 18th of April, so this is disappointing.

We basically just joked about going riding because of the lack of snow, but we figured it was worth a try.

This morning I put new mains in my Viper, from 155 to 156.3 which is stock.
The previous owner said he had jetted it for his elevation (1000m asl) so I just wanted to check what jets he put in and go back to stock jets.


pulled carbs



These holes were taped off, I removed the tape.. .


Here`s a tip, remove the top of the airbox and the dividers so that you can reach the rubber from the inside of the airbox, makes it much easier to install.


Then put on the tractor.. .

Discussing where we should ride


My fried with the Vector guy trying to make the " " (what is it called) loosen.


Sure I managed to get stuck, was a little too steep.






Funny RS vector guy testing his photographic skills
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This was shot at about 800m asl (above sea level), first time we rode there this season, had to find some alternative destinations due to the weather conditions & lack of snow)


This is a huge "mirror" mount in the middle of nowhere, about 750m asl, it directs radio signals and shit.


Shot of the Vipers, the lens was foggy.


Helping the Viper guy with getting his viper inside his car.

Wellwell that`s all for now, dunno if there will be some more pics this year but I hope so.

Time to grab a coke!.
Pro116: Thanks man:). Yes, all last rides are great!.

98srx6: :)

daman: I knew tha comment would come.. :). I got my helmet camera yesterday so I had to test it a little, but I didn`t get any good footage due do the bad visbility while riding. I think I will start to where the helmet again, not as bad as I remembered.

daman: Yes it is:). It`s not mounted in the pic so you only see the mount.. but the camera ain`t big either.. .

M-Max: Thanks.. . Yeah I think I will continue to use it.. . I somehow ride better when I worry less about my health.. hehe.

kimoaj said:
M-Max: Thanks.. . Yeah I think I will continue to use it.. . I somehow ride better when I worry less about my health.. hehe.
Plus it looks cool(nice looking) IMO!!!! :)
Kimoaj, do you need pipes for the viper?
i have some in the basement that i don't need....
Daman: Yes I agree.. looks meaner.

Brauten: Hmm interesting. What pipes?. Triple pipes?. Brand?.

I`ve heard some bad things about putting triple pipes on a vipers, some say you must get a CDI from an SRX that handles more rpm.
I`m sure some triple pipes would make it run better but if it doesnt last then it`s no point in putting them on.. .
However I`m sure it`s possibel to make it last just as long as stock if you just pay attention to setting everything up correct. (jetting etc).
I would avoid pipes and do more for clutching and making the most of the stock motor, but I dont like suprises lol!! nice camera by the way, looks good on ya ;) glad to see it made it ok! Eric
Sorry Brauten, I will listen to the guys above:).

If I`m un happy with the power after the next season then I`ll think about it again.. .
I really havent got to test it 100% properly so I`m not sure.. .

