New member
Hey guys, i'm going to be racing my sled up a groomed mountain, maybe 800-1000 ft long. Its going to be side by side racing instead of cones. There are a few noles/hills in the way going up. I was wondering if you might know a good clutch set up or gears to run. I'm currently running 8dn-20's. This is going on saturday and i've already put the sled up but and going to try to set it up for this.Any help would be great. I have tomorrow to set it up. I have only two helix's. A 51/45 and a 51/43. I have 20/39 gears and 23/39. I have a hauck orange,gwg,ywy primarys with green secondary and silver.Also have 8ca's and stock 8ek weights. My current set up is 8dn-20's 3.1 or 3.6 inner and 4.5 outter. Also info on suspension would be helpful on ways to set that up.I'm guessing its ruffly 120 degrees or more.Thanks guys
New member
correction, the noles/hills have been smoothed its just straight up 1200 ft long drags. two lanes.
Lifetime VIP Member
well if it's up hill use your 20-39 gearing.I would run the 8ca weights they are a little better than the 8dn's for darg racing and the 51-43.
New member
pro-116, I have the 8ca weights, the inner hole is empty and the outter has either .8 or 2.7 rivet. Can I just throw them in and use it like that or would it make THAT much diffrence to put proper weight?this is just a last season thing and i'm not looking to tune it perfect. THanks for your advice, it helps alot
Lifetime VIP Member
Eric I wil be honest i haven't had much time on the vipers besides heel clickers.I have grass drag or raced just about every model but a viper.I know for a fact the 8ca weights will be faster.I think MrViper has a good 8ca set up for the viper I'm shure if you pm him he wouldn't mind helping you.Ryan