Back and forth.One does it this way,others do it another way.Sheesh!!!!Now I will have to pound them new bearings out to get the seal off.

New member
Same here, 2500 miles with the bearings as you described.I am changing to 136" track setup this fall and am curious to see how things are in there. My bearings in the chaincase were turning ok, but noisy at 2400 miles with the factory setup, it kinda puzzled me and thought maybe yammi goofed, but I guess that is'nt the case.Another thing that made me decide to switch it was because my '98 mx-z had 8000 miles on the original chaincase bearings and they are open to chaincase oil, I religiously changed it each season and refilled with amsoil though.Exciterfan said:If you leave the seal off facing the chain lube, just change your chain case oil every season and your bearing will last a long time. I had 9,000 Km on my 87 Exciter with the original bearing (inside seal removed). I changed it "just because" and the original bearing was still in good shape.
If you don't change your lube every season then there may be a reason to leave the inside seal on as per factory spec. There is some logic to decision.
I just changed mine on my SXR 600, 2 years ago and I decided to leave the outside seal on , removed the inside seal, used synthetic lube, and promised myself to change the oil each season. I'm doing a controlled test!!! I'll keep you posted.
Don't touch the bearings!!!! Once they're in , you can't take them out without ruining them.
You always press a bearing in with the outer race, but you have to remove them by pressing against the inner race (because the outer race in not accessable). This will ruin the bearing because it forces a misalignment of the inner and outer races.
Just leave at as per Yamaha spec and see how it goes. Changing the chaincase bearings is a 1 hour job once you've done it a few times (if you have any problemns). You could take the chain case side seal out, but I'm not sure if you can run with no seals in the bearing. You might be able to if your shaft seal is good??
Of course if I had your money, I'd throw mine away!!! :>)
Don't touch the bearings!!!! Once they're in , you can't take them out without ruining them.
You always press a bearing in with the outer race, but you have to remove them by pressing against the inner race (because the outer race in not accessable). This will ruin the bearing because it forces a misalignment of the inner and outer races.
Just leave at as per Yamaha spec and see how it goes. Changing the chaincase bearings is a 1 hour job once you've done it a few times (if you have any problemns). You could take the chain case side seal out, but I'm not sure if you can run with no seals in the bearing. You might be able to if your shaft seal is good??
Of course if I had your money, I'd throw mine away!!! :>)

exciterfan,I have the new bearings installed now with seal on both sides.I could take the circlip out from the inside and then remove the seal of the bearing on the inside of chaincase.I think this is what you have done on yours.If you look at the chaincase cover upper bearing,it is open on the inside also from factory and it is still fine.So if I can get the inside seals of the other 2 bearings without removing the bearings,it should be ok then.I will put in good quality oil and I change it every season anyways,sometimes more then once,depends on the miles I put on.

and if you had my money,you'd be broke right now...lol.That's why there are such things like Visa and credit lines.Buy now ...pay later.Still need a new kitchen floor,but looks like the SRX is sucking the money for that.Oh well what else can I say.Live for today,need for speed is there.Can't get that rush from a new kitchen floor.LOL.