Stock compression for SRX

My other compression guage show's lower also.A lot depends on the guage.Usally guages where the needle sticks out further on the end read slightly higher.
yes Ryan, it all depends on the brand of the compression guage and more importantly the threaded adaptor being used in place of the spark plug, to get close to accurate, you need the long 14mm threaded adaptor that takes up the same volume when installed as the spark plug.

Its also more important then just a number, that all 3 are say within 10% of each other, as long as your guage reads 110lbs or better in all 3 no matter what length your thread adapter is your in pretty good shape engine wise.

This isnt to be confused with a leak down test that actually test the actual sealing ability of the rings, thats another thread all in it self.
FYI - My old 99 SRX was 125 on all three when new from the dealer. Can't comment on the guage they used. Just caught it on the receipt from the previous owner.
98-99 has a bit lower compression from a larger dome in the head and larger squish clearance then the 00-02 srx does, so they will show slightly less compression.
