1977 srx production numbers

Reimond said:
My -78 is 8H1-001111





Only missing the original throttle lever
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Thank's dynofun,

What's wrong with that cap? This model has some differences like pull rope handle as you see.
Kill switch cap was black on the 76-78 srx's. Not sure on the 8H1. That tunnel looks like it could be a repop? If not, that is the best one I have ever seen.
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yamaha one said:
;)! ;)! ;)! ;)!
Cool thanks for sharing! Guys can you tell us what condition your sleds are in? running or not, mod or stock , complete or incomplete. if you need a few things for it? Who all would like to see a YAMAHA only show for our sleds, and who would come ?

Mine is a stock restore. 100% complete. I do need a gas tank for my 76 Canadian.
I have a cross reference list between 8F2 - 8H1 and yes there is no kill switch cover so i think it should be black.

I have made new tunnel bacause old one has full of holes and cracks (snow cross history). I have original tunnel as a template now.
As you know Reimond, I have that same list!
You have done a great job with that sled! Just beautiful right down to the nuts and bolts! It sure is a very interesting model to me.
We need some more 77 SRX's here. Several have changed hands and many are not on here yet so lets have an update!

yamaha one said:
What is the highest number anyone has seen. I would also like to start a 1976-77 srx 78 SSR registry Stating condition mod or stock, pictures ect. location of sled will be confidential unless specified. I want it to look like the Challenger T/A registy web site.

Post your results ?
