Clutching question

Rambunctious said:
you could try another helix
stock is 47 ( at least for my 2000)
and a higher initial ramp angle ( 51/43, 48/xx) will allow the clutching to shift faster initially. the srx motor seems to keep up and not bog, ( this is the theory that i interpreted from many discussions here)

I loaded the clutch, changed the primary spring and added a 51/43 and really inproved the first 100 ' or so racing the buddies 800 Revs. went from staying equal to jumping out front early and maintaining the lead

so, try some progressive helix angles is my advive

but Turk and Mr. V willl set you up

Thanks Ramb, great advice, much appreciated! Ya the 98' SRX came with the 47 degree helix as well, I'm going to check everything out and see where I'm at first, I bought it second hand so I want to check and see what all has been changed and what hasn't. I really like the sound of that 51/43 helix idea!! ;)!

Just a bit of info, we installed 8ca weights in our piped 700sx with good gains. Tested this set up for best 500 ft drags and thought we had the sled working pretty good. We then installed a set of 40/10 clickers and gained 7-8 mph in the same 500 ft run. Note both set ups ran at the same rpm. The info on weight profile by mr viper is not BS. Listen closely to some of the ideas on this site then set up and do some testing after, clutching can and will produce great gains on that sled!!!!
don't give me the credit, I learned this from Turk and Mr. V and others

some like the 51/43 with my combo, some don't think it is the best, there are many other angle combos
but, the 51/43 is a stock RX1. so look on the 4 stroke page and you should get one cheap enough to at least try it.

