To stud or not to stud?

Back in the old days a 400lb sled was a tank and 100hp was a hot rod. Today 600lbs with fuel and rider and 120hp is average. Todays sleds tear up trails and wash out corners so fast as compared with the old days that unsafe icy conditions are common on alot of todays trails. It is much harder to stop or turn a 600lb sled on ice than a 400lb one and the fact that they are so much faster today than they used to be to me is almost a mandate for studs unless you ride where you never see ice. I run 96 down the center with sharp carbide on the skis on all my trail sleds. It does make riding more fun in icy conditions but the main reason is SAFETY!!! not only for me but for others out on the trail. If I have control over my sled I am much less likely to hurt someone else or ruin their day buy running into them on an icy corner. It happens ALL the time and if more people would consider studs and sharp carbides as a "must have" simply for the safety issue there would be alot fewer wreaks and probably save a few lives. If I have to ride with a "no stud" guy around here I want him in front of me that way he can set the pace and if he looses it I'm not going to get run over.

All sleds are different on what is needed to be safe but you don't have to be radical with studs or carbides to have control and if done right you won't hurt your sled or loose performance. If anything you will have a sled that is more fun to ride.

