New member
How about we all get together and have a beer drinking race.First one to down 12 beers in 30 minutes wins.
Better yet
First one to drink a gallon of choclate milk non stop, and hold it for 10 minutes wins. This will be fun for those who are drunk to watch. Maxdlx
First one to drink a gallon of choclate milk non stop, and hold it for 10 minutes wins. This will be fun for those who are drunk to watch. Maxdlx
New member
yeap im all for the beer drinking as long as its not queer beer coors light
bud all the way man
that or we can drink rye on the rocks
or tequila shots
bud all the way man
that or we can drink rye on the rocks
or tequila shots
I drink coors light what are you trying to say?lol
I drink coors light what are you trying to say?lol
New member
i will tell you some day ryan when are having a beer at a ty ride lol
its pussy beer lol
its pussy beer lol

New member
LOL It's always the Bud drinkers that think they're manly cause they drink Bud and rip on others for what they drink. Come to think about it, it's kinda like the Cat guys...
Super Moderator
Come on Bud is a great beer. Just as long as you enjoy the flavor of Skunk Piss...BBY

damn, that hurts....LOL you are not welcome back at my house...hehe 

New member
yeah yeah ok there matt you queer beer drinker i dont know how you guys get drunk on that
you have to wast more money to even get a glow
with that crap
man at least drink a real beer like a molson ex or canadain
but top is bud
bud and a ceaser !!! and a a shot of good old gibson finest just to give you that extra kick you need to get the party started

you have to wast more money to even get a glow
with that crap
man at least drink a real beer like a molson ex or canadain
but top is bud

bud and a ceaser !!! and a a shot of good old gibson finest just to give you that extra kick you need to get the party started

New member
Since JT is gonna be holding the pink slips and/or cash........can I hold the BUDGIRLS?????
Since JT is gonna be holding the pink slips and/or cash........can I hold the BUDGIRLS?????
Your #1 performance shop!
sorry, but the bud girls will be with me! 

New member
Ill race my stock srx against someone elses stock machine for a distance of a mile and a half just for fun that is.Anyone got any good gearing setups for a 2001 srx?
2 identical stock sleds . . .
Hey Turk, have you ever seen 2 stock sleds that were identical?
Hey Turk, have you ever seen 2 stock sleds that were identical?
New member
you wont ding everyone of them sleds is different in some way or another and some will run better then others i think my sled runs pretty strong for being stock but eveyrone should know what ever you do to your sled someonne else already done did it and will smoke you you will probably never have the fastest sled out there that goes for everyone
My experience as well, I was just was curious to see what the mega tuners would have to say including Turk. The guys that see a large number of sleds a year.
Plus I need more posts . . .
See, I just tied you . . .
New member
ill pull ahead by one youll never catch up