Well Its Gone!!!

Coles_55 said:
but im looking for a non-pv sled just cause I have no background in them and would hate to buy a used SRX and have to replace the PV's....
Ya that could get pricey in a hurry...
The 600 & 500 twins are very reliable engines. They are hard on the primary clutch due to vibrations. Replace clutch bushings about 1500 miles and the sled is reliable.

I do agree that a tripple is a much better engine, but nothing really wrong with the twins.
blkmax600 said:
I do agree that a tripple is a much better engine, but nothing really wrong with the twins.
yep i've had VERY good luck with my twins, always run good and very reliable.
Is there anything I should look for when I go to look at this 99 600??? AS far as potential problems....
I had a 98 vmax sx 600 twin and it was very reliable. The 99 vmax I think is a triple, besides that they are very similar. If you can get a newer sled 01 comes with the better head light, handlebars, long travel, and seat. For probally a couple hundred dollars more?
Well I found a 2000 SXR 700 for sale by my parents house, I am waiting for the guy to call me back. And if he accepts my offer I plan on going to pick it up tonight!! Has less than 2500 miles, those ice-studded tracks, electric start, and its a 700!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya my father and I are going to check it out when the guy calls me back, and we are going to do a compression test on it, also where in the W-arm does it usually crack??
Along towards the bottom somplace, try a searching w arms, i remember
seeing it..

i have never had one break so i'm not totally sure.
