Viper Detonation?


New member
Mar 3, 2005
Reaction score
marcy, ny
last year at te end of the deason my sled would be going fine then start dogind and sputtering till it would not run untill i stoped and let it idel down again any idea what this could be? water in the gas maybe ?
Almost sounds like your TORS system was kickin in, check you throttle cable for correct freeplay to eliminate the easy potential problem
No, I dont recall the exact spec, but you should have approx 3/32 freeplay where the throttle meets the throttle block. With no slack you will trip the TORS everytime.

Its the TORS. Unplug it and be done with it. Mine did the same thing and I thought I burned the darn thing down until I slowed to an idle and she would idle fine. Have had problems with the TORS on several sleds.
SpartaSXr said:
Its the TORS. Unplug it and be done with it. Mine did the same thing and I thought I burned the darn thing down until I slowed to an idle and she would idle fine. Have had problems with the TORS on several sleds.
I have an 04 Viper ER. I have also had trouble with the TORS since I bought it new. The dealer replaced something in the system, been so long ago I don't recall what it was. But it still acts up. Especially if it is left out in the weather. Any kind of moisture and it is a no go... Mine gets unplugged often. I plug it back in after it drys out as I like the feature of accounting for a stuck throttle.
On mine it is cable tied to the coolant hose between the head and thermostat housing.
Unplugging it will surely fix it if that is truely your problem, but if your cable is simply out of adjustment (to tight) why not just fix it correctly? give it aditional slack as mentioned above. Granted the chance of the sled staying pined wide open after you let go of the throttle is slim but that is why is is in place as a safety measure. (The TORS is safety device, if you let go of the throttle and the sled continues at speed the switch will trigger and the engine will spit and sputter back down to an idle, hopfully stopping a runaway sled and potentilly saving a life)

If you indeed have a bad TORS switch then you can always unplug it as a fall back.
i cant find the cable that goes to the tors system to unplug and c if that will fix it can anyone show me a pic of a wiring diagram or something so i can unplug it thanks
