does pure acetone actually improve fuel mileage?

OK real world experience here. I saw something on this acetone thing 2 years ago. I have a old blazer that has a 350 that has 250,000 miles on it. It was a extra car for winter mainly so over the summer I tried this theory. I mixed the 2oz per gallon on gasoline and added it to the truck. After about 100 miles I noticed a little more zip as it is probably the octain boost. I checked the milage from a regular tank and I was getting 13 miles pergallon. On the acetone mix I got up to 15 miles per gallon ONLY ON MY FIRST TANK. On the second tank it went back to 13 MPG. The third tank went down to 10MPG. 4th tank went back to 11MPG. After that I aborted mission as it did not seem to work.
I will say that I THINK it may clean out the injectors a bit and add a little octane but as for MPG I am not convinced. After going back to gasoline I went back to the normal 13 to 14 MPG. All normal driving highway and city to work everyday.

As for in my sleds I am not going to chance it!!! If my blazer blew than no big deal it had high miles but I don't want to mess with the sleds.

So this is what I experienced with it you can take it for what you want.

So, since 2-strokes (still most sleds out there) are less efficient and expel more unburnt stuff, why bother with goofy chemicals in your machines.

I don't think that any miracles exists or they would be HUGE news considering the record prices we are paying at the pumps nowadays. I keep hoping for one, and have even considered getting involved in biodiesel for my huge truck, but even that has significant costs for equipment.

The fuel thing has us all by the ......

Even heating costs this winter are concerning me. Stupid economy.

I am ready to RIDE!!!! :letitsnow
Ok guys, I am Trailblazer's dad and came upon this thread. He open a thread on a Venture I was buying. But as for Acetone read this first.

Now I have tried it in several vehicles. Most recently in my Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.0 2002. I had numerous codes for evap leak and usually a gas cap issue or worst the purge valve need replacement. After various attempt to fix the service engine condition (including two new gas caps). I put approx 5 oz into a tank of regular gas. The service engine light went out before the tank was even half on its own. I also added it again to the next tank of gas and that was it. The codes or engine light has never returned. The acetone is also said to clean fuel components such as injector valves etc. Removing build up so if you're looking for fuel improvement a modest amount should help while at least 2-3 oz per 10 gallons as per the info will clean out you fuel system.

I don't run it regularily in my vehicles but have put it in several of them. No driveability problems. Sleds don't have a whole lot in the fuel system and the pump diaphrams my be sensitive to the acetone. Best to test on a pulled unit to see if it attacks the internal pump parts. As for the lines etc it is highly unlikely to cause a problem since components are similar to vehicles.
More info for you all.

Google the net and you'll find more. Some say it will disolve the rubber and remove paint. Ahhh so will brake fluid disolve paint. Also you are not using it remotely close to full strength. General consenses is it does not cause a problem and most people see a benefit. Up to you all out there to use, try or ignore this. Who is to say the 5-10 additivies to clean your fuel system isn't worst. Ethanol is hard on engines and yet they put it in some gas. I would be more concerned about that.
If anyone whats to clean there injectors, carbs and valves just use Techron additive. It is very efficient and safe to use.
Techron ??

PhatboyC said:
If anyone whats to clean there injectors, carbs and valves just use Techron additive. It is very efficient and safe to use.

Sorry don't know that one (here in Canada anyway). Who makes it or what label is it under?
"does pure acetone actually improve fuel mileage?"

no it does not, it's a hell of a good carb/injector cleaner tho..

If anyone whats to clean there injectors, carbs and valves just use Techron additive. It is very efficient and safe to use.
Yup it's good stuff, compleat systems cleaner,it's a chevron product
get it at AAP or china-mart..(every 3-4,000 miles, don't over use)
tripplec said:
Sorry don't know that one (here in Canada anyway). Who makes it or what label is it under?

For Canada, in the west they have Chevron stations. For us in the east Francis Fuels is the distributor. If you can find one.


But if you don't mind paying more, Yamaha with collaboration with Chevron has one under their name. It's called Ring Free. Should be available at the parts counter.
Well I am not sure about Ontario. But I will keep and eye out in auto shops and see. I do know a Francis Fuel in Minden Ontario. The primarily selling fuel oil and have no store front etc.

