Name this Sled ! ? !

Very cool!!! I should show my brother this, he has a 93 Exciter II and wants to do something with it besides collect dust...
thats freakin awesome!! LOVE the bar setup! all around really looks like fun! damn you, now I want a phazer again lol!!!
Vmax540 said:
Found a original 84-89 Phazer seat (shorter) and spray glued a 4" piece of foam on top then took an elecrtic knife and started carving away ! :) Local upholstery guy done the rest !

How much would you charge to do another :lol:
Bitchin!! I love it. I have 2 phazers sittin in the garage that are project sleds and you just ave me a ton of ideas. So, have you put some miles on it? how do you like it? What would you do different? Thank you for the ideas.
phazer35 said:
That thing is awesome. Did you completely replace the belly pan and tunnel?

Thank you !
Stock belly pan/skid plate he just stripped the paint off the tunnel with Aircraft paint remover from the local paint dealer and polished with Mothers !
