01 SRX pulling to the right on take off


VIP Member
Jan 13, 2006
North Branch,Michigan
I was wondering if any one else has this problem and what i should check? I already have checked the tranfer rods and the limiter straps and they both look right. It really pulls to the right when it is getting good traction like on the grass or on the bare ice. Any info on what I should check will be helpfull. Thanks
I checked track alighment,it is perfect. I have to lean all the way to the other side to keep it straight when I drag race it on the bare ice. It has me stumped!!
read the post below on skids, i think this is the problem. the other thing that can happen is sharper studs on one side or the other. usually it is the skid being warped or wore out and not putting even preasure down to the rails giving one side more traction than the other.
great, I read the thread about the no action skid and it makes me wonder how bad my skid on my 97 venture 600 is.

the W arm suprisingly is not broken, but I will probably need to address these design deficiencies in the near future.

I have always heard the pro action skid needs to be constantly lubed, but a lack of zerks where they need to be is ridiculous.
I am taking a guess her...your sled have two limiter straps like the vipers...make sure they are equal...not just the straps...make a reference from the top w arm to some place on the skid & see if equal distance is there...cause if one side is tighter than the other side it will track in that direction...
I have the same thing happening to my sled when raceing on ice.Trail form you can start off pointed to the left and lean forward the same way,it will be staight 20 ft out.If you only race the front end should be dropped and make adjustments to the front limiters and spring to take the pressure and heighth out of the w arm.Tighting up the transfer rods or tighting the big spring,or putting the fra in the middle will help but loss of traction from less transfer might come into play but should be considered if you can get to the end faster.
I'll have to remember that blue when we finally go for a rip this winter.LOL!
Have you talked to your bud who lives up here lately? It is snowing again!
I'd bet we have at least 20" On the ground! Man it is awesome. Kinda makes up for the crap winters we had the last couple years in the highlands eh.
We have a honest ft on the ground and makeing ice but rain tonight will kill it.O ya we will hook up this winter hes still up there.Going to have a sc3 10 this year so i will have to see if it will still walk the walk!
If your sled pulls to 1 side then adjust the opposite side it pulls to, let out the opposite side limiter strap and it will then track straight.
I think you mean pull in the other side it pulls to dont you Mr v letting it out would make it worse no?The transfer rod on the oppisite side wood be opened up a little more ..Have you ever had this on your race sleds its like the sled has more weight on the pipe side when you jump out of the hole.And there likely is 30 pounds maybie.
I knew a guy that had a race horse that liked to turn right on him. He finally cured the sombitch of it by putting some lead in it's left ear with a 38 special. Then he bought a different horse.

NO Bluewho, I mean let out the opposite side its pulling to, because when it pulls to the right, that means the right side is getting more traction then the left side is, so youd let out the left to make it go straight, letting out the limiter allows the front of the track to bite in more correcting this pull.

LMAO@ opsled, your not right.............. :rofl:
Hey tks for he reply mv i cant say i agree but i cant say i have tryed it eather.So i think i will get a bag of oats and sit on it for awhile :dead: Yee ha
.There is logic to that but it happens when the skis are in the air first hop out of the hole like the chassis flexes that way.But i will give it a go when we git ice...not the first time i have looked at something backwards.
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