YZF 450 Questions


Active member
Jan 30, 2006
manitowoc, wisconsin
I know this isn't the proper place, but...

I went on the totallyamaha atv forums and seen that the last post was in june! Well, I need some answers a little sooner than that. I am planning on buying a blown up 2004 YFZ 450 quad. Getting it for an estimated $500. I was wondering what are some good safe mods to do, while everything will be apart. I'm talking a complete teardown. I have heard of some sort of oil mod...maybe openning up the oil holes to the crank? If so, how big do I make the holes. Are these quads unreliable? If they are unreliable, what are the things to change to make it better? Any info on this atv would be great. I am unfamilar with this machine. Only familar with the Banshee's. If anyone could post some links to some great info on this 450 atv would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Yfztech.com is the equivelant of this site when it comes to Yfz 450's. I had an 04, with over 200 hours of documented run time before I did the topend.(I did the topend for maintenence, not because of failure) I never needed the oil mod which has something to do with oil hitting the bottom of the piston.

The one thing you will want to do is the decompression plug. It's just right of the exhaust manifold and on the 04's it was a plastic piece that would pop out on some and spill out the oil from the topend. Never happened on mine, but did it for peace of mind. A friend of mine still hasn't done it to his 04......

Keep it stock, just pipe and jet it. That's all I did to mine, well, I did do Hotcams after a awhile and it still was reliable as they come. There is some teething problems on the 04, but I never experienced any of them. Check out YFZTECH.COM!!!
Forgot to add, I changed the oil+filter every 2-3 rides. Maybe the reason I had such good luck. Yamalube the whole time.......
You can try thumpertalk.com. As for 450 4stroke, yamaha very reliable. Most major problems i've seen was lack of maintence. A piston, rings, camchain, and valve job every 75-100 hrs. and change oil and filter every 5 hrs will run for ever. Oh forgot check valves every 15-20 hrs. As for crank not sure on mods or of to many problems. For that kind of money can part out and make out pretty good.
Ive blown my 450 up once, or rather it gave up on me. I guess I got lucky and all i needed was a new crank. The oil mod is something you have your case sent out to get a hole drilled so it squirts oil on the rod bearings and gets the wrist pin too. It took yamaha what 4 years to figure out there was a problem and the new yfz's come with it from the factory. This one your buying you say blew up, just curious if the whole engine is at loss? More common than not ive seen the engine a complete waste when they go. As for sites to visit check out as mentioned yfztech.com and i also like yfzcentral.com

For mods i would just throw on a nice pipe and jet her right. Ditto on the oil changes!
