Bleeding Viper Oil Lines


New member
Oct 24, 2004
The UP
I need a detailed description on how to do this. Or maybe not how to do it so much as to where is the bleeder screw. Im assuming there's a bleeder screw somewhere, but where is it. I did a search but i didnt find anying thing that really helped me out...
Not sure, but if it's like a srx, it's between 1-2 carb, look down in there and
should see a hose with bolth bolt head and philips..thats the bleeder bolt
crack it loose.


did you take it apart? is there lots of air or just a little?
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took a couple lines off shouldnt be much air, but i want to be safe, i havent even had a chance to put any miles on this thing yet so i dont want the first ride to be the last.... also I have the carbs out right now but im still not seeing a hose with a screw in it, maybe im just blind...
