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no worrys i dont care about that, i think its good that the post can help other down the road so the more information in it the better.
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get it figured out?
New member
by passed the key today, that didnt work, tried to bypass the kill switch but couldnt figure it out. im gonna get a new kill switch and have a spare stator i have sitting around sent out and will try to get it running next week if possible. sled starts right up, then dies very quickly with or with throttle or choke. unless its the stator or kill switch then im stumped.
VIP Lifetime Member
BETHEVIPER said:check your throttle kill switch on the throttle block, they are made so you can use them as a teather. you can start sled, hold throttle a little, then hit the kill switch. if you fall off or release the trottle, the sled will shut off. when they go bad, what you described is just what happens.
This should be in the tech section. i never new it. Maxdlx
New member
so know i want to know if anyone can tell me how i can bypass the kill switch?
New member
went to the dealer today to order the switch and told him that he had to call yamaha and they would send just the switch instead of the whole throttle assembly like they list in the compufiche, when he called they asked him for the model and serial numbers, when asked why he needed them he said it was because the switch is free and they are trying to keep track off all the serial numbers that were affected. so now i just got to drive and hour out of town where the sled is and get the serial number, unless someone on here with a 04-05 will pm me with there serial number.
went to the dealer today to order the switch and told him that he had to call yamaha and they would send just the switch instead of the whole throttle assembly like they list in the compufiche, when he called they asked him for the model and serial numbers, when asked why he needed them he said it was because the switch is free and they are trying to keep track off all the serial numbers that were affected. so now i just got to drive and hour out of town where the sled is and get the serial number, unless someone on here with a 04-05 will pm me with there serial number.
New member
tried to override the kill switch, had the plugs out and had a plug put into the cap to make sure there was spark, no spark, pulled and pulled and pulled. finally called the local dealership to ask them which wires i need to cross because when mr.viper700 told me i just went from memory and wasnt 100% if it was right. so i asked the service manager how and he said he would not tell me because i could just be doing it to steal a snowmobile, i said dude i cant steal a sled with just the kill switch overrided i would need to do the ignition, still wouldnt tell me so i had to say thanks alot and call the dealership that i worked at and i had it done right, so he told me how to bypass the ignition and still no spark, i turned the key off and there was spark!!! WTF? the wiring in this sled is so messed up. it would still just shut off like before so im back to where i was before. im guessing that the stator must be gone or the coil packs. could this do it? what about the dcs, is there anything that could go wrong with the dcs that would cause this?
tried to override the kill switch, had the plugs out and had a plug put into the cap to make sure there was spark, no spark, pulled and pulled and pulled. finally called the local dealership to ask them which wires i need to cross because when mr.viper700 told me i just went from memory and wasnt 100% if it was right. so i asked the service manager how and he said he would not tell me because i could just be doing it to steal a snowmobile, i said dude i cant steal a sled with just the kill switch overrided i would need to do the ignition, still wouldnt tell me so i had to say thanks alot and call the dealership that i worked at and i had it done right, so he told me how to bypass the ignition and still no spark, i turned the key off and there was spark!!! WTF? the wiring in this sled is so messed up. it would still just shut off like before so im back to where i was before. im guessing that the stator must be gone or the coil packs. could this do it? what about the dcs, is there anything that could go wrong with the dcs that would cause this?
Not to be a nob, but I would make this real simple like...start at the source & work back...(test before & after each point test) the stator, cdi, coils, rectifier, capacitor & then move up to the accessories...have you pulled/fished the wiring out from under the engine...what all was done to this sled & list the problem you are having again in detail...mrviper has a few good threads on testing the electricals out...
New member
finally figured it out tonight, had my father send me all the electronics of my other viper, changed the coils, ignition, voltage regulator, condensors, stator, magneto, was just about to haul out the whole harness to have a look at it and then i unhooked the tail light by the voltage regulator and the sled fired right up!!! the damn tail light had a kink in one of the wires that cut the wire just enough to see the wire which must have been causing the short. so i finally got the sled running. going to go out for my first run of the year tomorrow. thanks for all the help everyone. weird thing is the ignition still only works when in the off position????? gonna have to leave that one for later.
Glad to hear you got it figured out, big storm coming sunday up the east cost...may even hit your way...anyways, post back what caused the ignition thing...cheers
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sounds like to me you jumped the wrong stuff on the key switch, to bypass the key switch you should have unplugged it then jumped the red/yellow to the brown. nothing more.
New member
no i jumped just the two wires, but with the ignition wired correctly like from the factory the key needs to be in the off position to work. im guessing the ignition itself is messed up. but good news is i installed an extra layer of gasket and am seeing no dcs light on the viper with tripples. running supreme fuel and br9ecs plugs. still have some tuning to do with the pilots as it loads up on 1/4 throttle, got to do some clutching also but that can wait.