unfinished clutch kit ?'s (mrviper)


Dec 20, 2006
so I havent been able to finish buying my clutching parts for my 97 SX and so far as per mrviper's guidance, I have 8DN10's, 2.4 in tip, yel-sil-yel primary spring and I geared it down one tooth. All I'm Missing is the 48/42 helix. I'm wondering how my sled will run without the helix for the weekend with the stocker in? I cant imagine it will hurt it but I dont want to be over revving or smokin the belt. Mrviper, Turk, or any of you other clutching mad men, can you shed some light on this?
I have a 47/41 or a 48/40...both are close...$60 shipped. Sled will be fine but rpm,s will overrev down low & then underrev on top end...theoritically!!! But ya never know.The rx-1 helix shifts very close to a 48/42 also. got a new one of those.
which of the two helix's you have would you recommend for me? 250lbs, 30 percent trail riding and the rest off trail/powder. which ever one you recommend, I would like to buy from you seeing how a brand new helix is pretty expensive.
