Server Working Hard and Updates!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
I noticed on Monday and once in while thru out the week the server gets hammered. We have an upgrade scheduled for Spring and it looks like it should have been done sooner but didn’t realize we would get the growth that we have currently. We will have to manage with the resource we have currently as we are in the heart of the season and I dint want the site to be off line too long and or have problem during the change over process.

If all users try to browse instead of doing searches such as , active topics or show me thread since last visit this will help us get through these peak times.

This next upgrade is going to cost sum change and take me a ton of time so any donations or VIP membership will help the extra cost. All the standard users that are not VIPs should really consider this if you spend a ample amount of time on the site.

Also please respect the rules, the moderators and my decisions as we put our heart and sole into this site for you!!!!

Will do. Everything that you and the moderators do to keep this site running and to help out the Yamaha community is greatly appreciated.
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Just keep bluemonster1 from posting and hell we'll be ok. :mrgreen:

where can we PP ya some $$ Tom?,see what i can do with the next unemployment check.
I think if you pay with Paypal it auto renews no matter what you do (unless you do a Lifetime membership).
However, you could mail a check and it would not auto renew. Ive paid for my VIP membership with a check in the past and Tom didnt have a problem with paying that way.
daman said:
k....the 15 dollar vip can you have it NOT auto re-new, just wondering??

I found out the hard way about auto-renew last year (using Paypal). :o| If it said it would do that when I joined I forgot about it.
Last time i did A/R on somthiong it screwed up me check book, i forgot about it and the crap hit the fan when the boss found out!!!! lol
