helix ?

The initial shift will be slightly more aggresive but the higher numerical final angle is gonna lower your total shift RPMs about 400 or so.

What are you trying to achieve with your setup? Honestly your best bet is to PM Turk or MrViper here, they are definatly some of the most knoledgable clutch guru's around here.
S.X. said:
The initial shift will be slightly more aggresive but the higher numerical final angle is gonna lower your total shift RPMs about 400 or so.

What are you trying to achieve with your setup? Honestly your best bet is to PM Turk or MrViper here, they are definatly some of the most knoledgable clutch guru's around here.
I have my sled set up pretty good from Turk. A friend has this and was wondering what it would do.
It would be a lot slower.You would have to lighten up the tip weight to compensate for the 47 degree.I would recoommend staying with the 51-43.
