vmax go boom!

I hear ya with the wife thing. I bought a Exciter for the wife and the guy said he had one piston replaced. (I hate that personally) So my left nut got itchy and decided to tear off both pots just to ease my mind and the original piston had a crack in the skirt. New piston had only 500 miles on it but the old one had 3500 mile. Then the wife gets on me about now we have to buy pistons blah, blah, blah. I said lets look at it this was $300 now or maybe $1500 later when that piston skirt finally breaks off. She changed here tune pretty quick. I was so close just to slap it back together and tell her you ride it , you break it, you buy parts, you fix it, but I couldn't do it. It would eat at me every time we went out. She put 252 mile on the sled after new pistons plus many other things that I did to it and we sold it to upgrade to a SXR 600.

The new owner got a good deal on that sled with all that I did to it. Should have parted it out but I would rather see some one ride it and enjoy sledding.
