Not Getting Gas


New member
Nov 18, 2005
SRX doesn't seem to be getting gas to the carbs.

The carbs were just cleaned, and if I pour gas in the cyls, she fired right up. Not electrical related.

I am going to change the fuel filter, as its the starting point of the fuel delivery.

The fuel pump is full of gas when I take the top off, but again, there's no gas getting to the carbs, so that gas has likely been there for a while.

I need to know what to look for, in respect to Vacuum lines. There's 1 obvious line going from the fuel pump, into the bottom of the engine. Are there any others? Anyone had issues with plugged or broken lines?

check the pulse line coming from engine to fuelpump, you might have pulled it off cleaning the carbs.
not sure if the FP is working or not. I just bought a vacuum pump, so I'll test the vacuum line at the fuel pump, and see if gas spits out.

One way or another, the carbs aren't getting its either filter, pump or vacuum.
I dont know if its like my Viper but I just had to change my fuel pump in it,Fuel was getting to the pump but not to the carbs.
possibly the fuel pump too. it has 15,000 KM on it, and its the original pump...

Was your pump full of gas though? cuz mines full to the brim. When I pulled the top off, there was gas right to the top....but again, maybe thats been sitting there forever

How much did a new pump run you?
Fuel filters are not known to plug very often or easy there's allot of media in a filter, would take a lifetime to plug one on a sled.

need to check your pulse line then your fuel pump with a vac pump like your
going to do, let us know..
ok, just lit a fire in the workshop.....snowing like mad here (under storm warning at the moment) and she's all together, and WONT FIRE!!!! grrrrrr.

So, the pulse line, this is the vacuum line from the pump, to the bottom end? Is that the only vacuum line (aside from on the carbs)?

Anoyone have a cracked pulse line? I mean, I checked all lines with the intention to replace, but they all seemed ot be in excellent shape, so i left them alone.

Anoyone have the oem part number for the pump? just incase....
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also, what if there's shitty gas in there?? that shouldn't affect the flow of gas though right? the pump would just flow shitty gas?

just things I am thinking of....
the pulse line goes to the engine under the pto carb and the center carb to a fitting on the case, its not very hard to bump this when you are in there messing with the carbs, first thing i would do is remove the carbs and flip them up out of the way, then inspect the line to see if its cracked right where it goes on the engine barb fitting, then if good remove the line and inspect it from the underside.
well, connected the vacuum pump to the pulse line, and maxed out the pressure where it wouldn't suck anymore, and still no sign of gas flowing. This may sound stupid but, you do want suction on that pulse line right? hence vacuum?

There's no way I could have bumped that off by accidnt, jesis, I had to yank like crazy.

So, what would be the next step? What should I investigate first? I mean, I can buy a fuel pump, but want to make sure its needed
the diaphram in the pump is actuated by vaucum and pressure pulses, hence the name "pulse line", you can stick the engine end in your mouth and suck/blow on it rapidly back and forth and with the lines unhooked off the carb, should move fuel out of the pump, just sucking on the line wont move the fuel, its the action of in and out that moves the diaphram in the pump.
ok, I was going to ask that, because I switched between vacuum and pressure, and for a brief second, a tiny bit of gas came out...Not very much at all though, no squirting...just oozes...

To me, the gas looks really looks like almost only oil...when I popped the top off the fuel pump, to me, it looked overly oily....maybe IM paranoid...but Ive never had the top off when it was runing fine, so Im not sure how rich is gets mixed in the pump.
try the suck/blow method(doesnt sound too good...LOL!) :rofl: :bash:

if you get gas to move then disconnect the fuel line from pump and blow back into the tank, is it bubbling inside the tank, you should be able to hear it with the cap off?

if this is good then is there gas in the oiltank? meaning the oil is gassy smelling and thin?
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ok, the suck/blow method, although disturbing, did produce some gas out of all 3 lines...i touched what came out, and it seems like its only oil....doesn't smell gassy, and is really thick.

If I had a plugged fuel filter, would the pump continue to suck oil? This would explain why inside the fuel pump is really really BLUE. looks like pure amsoil....

I guess I'll remove the fitting from the tank itself, and check that hose....if I can't blow through it, obviously it must be plugged right?

ps - when I suck/blew, i could feel the valve working, so Im sure its not the pump...well, almost sure...

pss - when I cleaned the carbs, the bowls were also really oily...ive never seen carbs this oily.... I bet something in the fuel delivery is plugged...
without stating the obvious, it does have at least a half tank of gas right? If its below a 1/4 tank and up on a jackstand it can be sucking air............
naw, its sitting level on casters....just blew through the fuel hose no problem...and this time when I disconnected the fuel line, there was actually gas there....the stuff that came out of the pump is still really blue though

Do you think the valve could have been stuck? in the fuel pump? and nows its freed up from the pressure of the vacuum pump?

I am going to use a turkey baster on something and clean out all liquid in the fuel pump, and use the suck/blow mehtod again, until stuff comes out of the 3 hoses...then I'll seer if there's any difference in what comes out.

If all this check out fine, what else? seals in the bottom end? jesus i hope not
