SRX SCREAMS !!!!! today,still have issues with low end bog.

daman we only got about 1/2" of fluff,nothing to scream about.To cold today to ride for me.-32 windchills and getting worse tonight.-34 C and wind chill should be around -40 to -42.But snow is supposed to be coming on Tuesday...we'll pray.
Fuel Screw Adjusters's are in.

Hope my SRX will start up tomorrow,it is going to be approx.-40 to -45 with windchill tomorrow.Got my fuel screw adjusters in and have to get my sled from the shed to the heated garage to take carbs off and install them.Hopefully I will be able to adjust my fuel screws on the fly now,just have to eliminate that low end bog from idle to when I pin it.Have 45 pilots now at 1.5 turns out.Will try 1 3/4 or 2 or 2.5 turns out.Since I have the adjusters now,is the maximum I can turn them screws out like 2.5 turns,since they can't fall out now.
Went to see my mechanic today,the guy who just bought a 08 Genegade XP 800.We may go riding this weekend together.Will have the chance to see how that sled performs.I know he already has worn down his hyfax,mine are still like brand new.
well went for a run on Sunday,it was about -20C out also.With the fuel screw adjusters cranked out screws max to about 2 3/8 turns.Idles down pretty good,can still feel a slight slight bog from a stand still pin.Should I try 47.5 pilots then.Noticed one of my exhaust donut's is totally gone on the middle pipe,sounds like crap.Have to order another.With my HC's I have 14.5 mm rollers,4.3 in heel,3.3 in middle and outer holes.Secondary at 70 wrap.She pulls great off the mark and hits to about 8600 wot.Still won't pull speeds over 100 mph at 8600.Will look to get 15mm rollers and work from there I guess.Any other suggestions guys.Cleaned and adjusted PV's on the weekend to,no pull thru going on here either.I guess I need to load the HC's on the tip to see more mph.
I ordered new exhaust donuts today and ordered 47.5 pilots just in case I should need them and also got 15mm rollers ordered and that is it.After this I am not going to spend anymore $$$$ on the sled.Should have these parts in on Friday.Ordered from my dealer,man do they ever charge for OEM parts.Could of ordered from someone on here or some other places that beat the crap out of dealer pricing,but would have to wait maybe 2 weeks for them 2 arrive at my house.I am going to have to sort out all my spare parts like jetting,weights,rollers and sell them to get some cash back for these new parts...sheesh!!!!!!I just have to get them HC`s dialed in somehow if they will dial in.Was faster top end last year with my old suspension,studded track and 8DN-20 weights.A little discouraged here to say the least.
One good thing I have to say that with proper clutch alignment and center to center and using the HC`s that the clutches run real nice and cool.Took the SRX to the river out here for the first time this season.The route I take, there must be at least a half dozen 1.5 to 1 mile straight aways and nice and smooth for WOT.After some of those runs,I stopped to check the clutches and to my surprise they are totally cool to the touch which means there is no belt slipping going on creating heat.This I am very happy to see,since hot clutches makes for a hot belt which makes for a blow out.Now one of my exhaust donuts is shot,would that tend to slow down my top speed,don`t think it would.I have secondary at 70 wrap,should I even think of going to a 60 wrap for any reason.If I run with 15mm rollers,what do you suggest I place for weight in the clickers.
When you say fuel screw adjuster mean it can be done w/o removing the carbs???
with adjusters you can only turn so much.I have it at about 2 3/8 turns out.Idles pretty good now,once in a while hangs up for a second.When I pin it ,it is almost smooth.Just a fudge off.So I have new 47.5 pilots coming in on Friday.Got to take the damn CARBS off again...damn!!!!!! YOU GOT ANY SNOW YET daman.What gives?
No not really just a crapy little coating with grass showing here and there,
this is scary, i shoud have a few hundred miles on by now. :(
daman...that is insane.There must be snow around you somewhere.Get a trailer and go riding man.Old Man Winter doesn't like you or something.You must be going nuts sitting at home with not much going on.
