FAQ- Fixing wiring Harness..... helpppp...

Roost 'Er

Dec 13, 2006
Flamborough, ontario
Need some insight on how to get the wiring harness outta my sled its rubbing underneath from what ive read its not a bad job but dont know exactly how to tackle it....

anyone care to gimme a idea on where it comes upon the carb side and whatnot, my pipes are off so it shoudl make it easier


Disconect the harness up at the hood hinge,then tie a string on the harness coming from the sled, you'll need to stick your hand down between the exh pipe manifolds and release the black bend over clamps, then go over behind the recoil housing and pull the harness back up and out from under engine about a good foot to foot and a half, and you'll most likely find the harness rubbed and chaffed thru, tape up each wire separately then tape the harness again.

when done pull the harness back through with the string to tied on.

good luck!!!!
save's me from typing....

mrviper700 said:
that reply looks amazingly similar to my type........
should be you wrote it........it's on the site here a simple search its all it takes to find info...
thanks damnn ive been so busy lately with the sled didnt even think about a search, been running around the last two days getting stainless steel, rivets, bearings, bolts, chaincase oil, track cutter, torque wrench, rivet gun, it goes on and on getting ready to finish my sled and the edge swap...finally found stainless/stainless rivets today went to 4 or 5 industrial supply places before i found what i needed...
Roost 'Er said:
thanks damnn ive been so busy lately with the sled didnt even think about a search, been running around the last two days getting stainless steel, rivets, bearings, bolts, chaincase oil, track cutter, torque wrench, rivet gun, it goes on and on getting ready to finish my sled and the edge swap...finally found stainless/stainless rivets today went to 4 or 5 industrial supply places before i found what i needed...
yea i hear ya,spent a week last year looking for some s rivets,ended up finding some in our tool box @ work..lol
Thanks guys wiring harness took under 5 mins once i found the wire, i just didnt know what side it came up so the intructions were perfect.
i found a spot where there were 3 notches beside each other so i think thats my problem, they all were worn on a similar groove thus shorting it out.... gonna get some super88 tape tommorow, and then some of that wiring loom or whatever its called....

Ran into another roadblock tho, anyone know what to do when my speedo side bearing is rusted onto my driveshaft? its soaked in penetrating oil right now but thats all thats preventing me from getting the shaft out and moving on with track install and whatnot... both set-screws are completly out, the chaincase is off entirely, theres nothing holding me back but this bearing......
if need be drill out the rivets holding the bearing retainer to the tunnel and remove the whole driveshaft bearing,retainer and all then remove the bearing in a press, I assume you alreay have the chaincase slid out on the shafts?
Yeah MRviper the chaincase is off completely on my shop floor... also i dont think ill be able to get a drill in there as i cant get my secondary off cause itll just turn due to the shaft being free, and the drivers are in the way of the side i need to drill too..... think a pair of channel locks on the collar then a cresent on the driveshaft and try and wiggle it back and forth may work.....

Ny- i unfortunately dont have a puller... :(
Yeah first thing i did before i even started with chaincase side.....

Im stumped, i just spent the last 45mins, hitting the bearing/shaft with a piece of wood and hammer seeing if i can free it at all, by where i sprayed with penetrating oil looks like i moved a hair tops, tryed to move it with channel locks, nothing...

anyone else have any ideas, can i break the bearing?, like see if i can remove the seal then hit the balls with punch or something?
take a big hammer and a big punch and put the bearing on something hard and hit the bearing it will break or cut it
its still on the sled thats the problem i cant get it off the driveaxle which wont let me take my track out, but i MAY be able to get a dremel in there hmmm....
itll be tight with the secondary but i think its possible

acutally what size will i need?, im gonna run to canadian tire right now forgot about the new store in town open till 10 woohooo
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