FAQ- Fixing wiring Harness..... helpppp...

why cant you take off the secondary clutch? simply grab a hold of it with one hand and take out the bolt with the other hand, if you have a impact gun you wont even need to hold it. you guys make it hard on yourselves :o|

simply remove the clutch then drill out 3 rivets and the whole assembly will come out and you can work on it on the workbench instead of trying to stand on your head.
mrviper700 said:
why cant you take off the secondary clutch? simply grab a hold of it with one hand and take out the bolt with the other hand, if you have a impact gun you wont even need to hold it. you guys make it hard on yourselves :o|

simply remove the clutch then drill out 3 rivets and the whole assembly will come out and you can work on it on the workbench instead of trying to stand on your head.

I tried that it was pretty hard, also puit a belt around the shaft and tried to hold it couldnt get it..... got a puller from a store but they only had a front end type puller which didnt work worth shit, gonna grab a new dremel blade and cut the rivets or the actual bearing today

thanks for your help guys...
