as i am going to the jan 10-13 ty ride i need a couple of things cleared up.
i am going from canada to the states and i am bringing my sled with me. do i need origonal ownership or will a copy do at the border?
do i need to notify them that i am coming with my sled?
are the trail passes availible at the hotel or do i need to search for it?
i know here in canada it is legal to ride with an ownership copy and a origonal insurance slip. ontario trail pass is on sled already.
tried search but i did not get what i was looking for.
see some of you guys there.
i am going from canada to the states and i am bringing my sled with me. do i need origonal ownership or will a copy do at the border?
do i need to notify them that i am coming with my sled?
are the trail passes availible at the hotel or do i need to search for it?
i know here in canada it is legal to ride with an ownership copy and a origonal insurance slip. ontario trail pass is on sled already.
tried search but i did not get what i was looking for.

see some of you guys there.

You dont need any of that non-sense LOL Just come on over.
Maim, As far as I know, you will need a pass port. When you re-enter canada I would have all the info in case they ask for it. I am sure others will voice the facts. In Michigan, just bring your Canada registration and be prepared to purchase a Michigan trail permit. I will be staying in a room with S.X. and some from his group. I, myself will be up there on the morning of the 9th to meet up with a few people for a small group ride. Will have my SRX and MTN Apex there. Have a Mississipi plate on my blue truck so if you dont see 2 sleds around my truck, I am gone out with the others. I hope to see you there.
Maim, As far as I know, you will need a pass port. When you re-enter canada I would have all the info in case they ask for it. I am sure others will voice the facts. In Michigan, just bring your Canada registration and be prepared to purchase a Michigan trail permit. I will be staying in a room with S.X. and some from his group. I, myself will be up there on the morning of the 9th to meet up with a few people for a small group ride. Will have my SRX and MTN Apex there. Have a Mississipi plate on my blue truck so if you dont see 2 sleds around my truck, I am gone out with the others. I hope to see you there.
i thought the passport was for flying only atm. people that drive across only need birth certificate untill march some time. hope crewcheif sees this thread.
i will be across the road from algers and hope to see you there as well. only bringing my 05 rxwarrior ltd. if i get there early enough might get some rideing in on the 9th but probably will end up getting up early on the 10th and be ready to ride. algers is 8hrs from my house according to mapquest so this should be fun.
i will be across the road from algers and hope to see you there as well. only bringing my 05 rxwarrior ltd. if i get there early enough might get some rideing in on the 9th but probably will end up getting up early on the 10th and be ready to ride. algers is 8hrs from my house according to mapquest so this should be fun.
just looked it up on and on
hope i do not get held up at the border
hope i do not get held up at the border

New member
You don't need a passport when crossing by land ! You may be asked at the border for the ownership. It would be a good idea to have the original. It will just eliminate any unwanted hastles. Generally when crossing with sleds there isn't much of a problem at all. If you are crossing with extra 5 gallon fuel cans or nitrous bottles take the bridge if not then the tunnel should be fine. Other than that i have never had a problem crossing into the U.S !! Hope this helps and answers your questions !
ill be crossing at saultste marie but i still shoud not have too many problems.
Yep, once you get on I-75 South in SOO Michigan, get off on exit 386 and take HWY 28 west to Muni.. Cant miss us. Sounds like it will be a good ride this year.
i hope so too!