Painting Question


New member
Dec 5, 2005
Eagle, WI
I saw a guy at the bar and he had the SXR/SRX OEM style skis, but they were painted white with the blue loops. It looked amazing, I trie to find the guy in the bar but no one had any Yammie stuff on so I didnt get a chance to talk to him.

Have any of you done this??? I figure it would be just like painting any other type of plastic.....
that new krylon plastic paint, Fusion works pretty darn good.

Guys on the jeep forum I am on have been painting the plastic grey lower trim on their grand cherokee laredo's black, from the grey with fusion. It seems to hold up quite well.

I dunno about painting the skis white though. I personally like to see the skis when manuevering around tight spaces, white skis on white snow may be a little tough, esp with any amount of speed.
Cole dont waste your time or money. I painted my ski loops White with fusion and it still chipped and I prepped the loops as you prep any plastic products for paint. You want white skis just buy A/M, there gunna outperform your stockers anyway.
