2000 phazer heated shield hook up


New member
Feb 3, 2007
EAST CHINA michigan
I am having trouble and starting to throw wrenches! NEED HELP with wiring for a heated sheild for the wifes 2000 phazer.I tied into the blue dimmer wire and only get @idle .50 volts then when you feather the throttle it will go up but only to 6 or so . on my 02 srx i tied into the taillight under seat and got 13.5 did same with phazer and got .5 .6 @ idle checked with meter under pad and cant seem to find 13.5 any where. Thanks nighttrain9
Is the Phazer AC not DC current? I know that the later SRX's were switched from AC to DC. Switch the setting on your VOM and check it again. If the lights work then you have enough voltage.
WOW thats why I love this web site its people like you that make this great! I will check that out for sure it has to be ac not dc. Boy do i feel stupid oh well hey have a great New Year and thanks for the help! nighttrain9
