Parts gouging

Dec 9, 2007
London, Ontario
I'm not sure if Yamaha or the dealer is to blame for this, but I just noticed that one of my headlight adjusting springs is missing and called the dealer for a replacement. It's just a small spring about ten mm in diameter and about an inch and a half long. I've probably thrown away hundreds in my life. They want fourteen dollars plus tax for it. It could not possibly cost that much if it was made of platinum. On principle, I refuse to buy it and will just McGyver something. I guess I need to find a reasonable aftermarket parts source in the London, Ontario area.. Thanks.. Steve.
They all do this or they wouldn't sell snowmobiles. I had clutch parts go bad on Ski-doo. Two halves of the secondary were $700, luckily I just caught warranty. Ski-doo belt for my 800 was $94 last year.
dont blame the dealer, he is just repeating a number that is in front of him. keep that in mind when your need another part.
Yea being a Parts Counter person, I can tell you I hear people bit** all the time about list prices. Who can blame them when GM wants $25 for just a freaking washer noozle(just one example). If they complain I try my best to work out some kind of a deal, if they dont I charge them list. But you also have to remember most parts counter people make theyre living on their part sale profits.
This is why I've spent countless hours scouring the internet to find the lowest prices on OEM Yamaha parts prices. If I need something in a big hurry I sometimes will get it from my local dealer, but usually we order all of our parts for 20% off (or more) dealer prices. Which adds up in a big hurry. :jump:
All my OEM Yamaha orders are sent to Port Yamaha cause they actually get me my parts faster than my closest Yamaha dealer plus they charge 16% off list. Also everytime I call to check the status on my order their on top of it right then and there.
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i use port yamaha also believe it or not i can get it faster(they dont stock alot of parts) and even with shipping it is cheaper than the local dealer
Most local dealers don't stock any parts anyway, but if you ever get in a pinch it's nice to have the local guys to help you out.

My dealer don´t have almost nothing in stock, but they give me exellent service because Yamaha have a big parts stock in netherlands or belgium I never remember witch but I get parts in 3 days if I order before lunch. I very often order from them, but when I buy very expensive parts I buy from usa. Depends on the price diff.. Sometimes nothing and sometimes double. An example a pistons + rings for my former srx 600 at I can find it at 350$ and at my dealer about 680$. I bought it from my dealer because I was is a hurry and wanted to be out in the great white. But if I have time I will buy from usa, it will save me a half months salary a year at least. OK If I have a ordinary year with Yamaha it will save me nothing.(but who will know with snowmobiling everthing can happen) My experience with yamaha tell me I will repair nothing I´m very satisfied. My only problem is that what a snowmobile to buy after a srx? I think everything will be a dissapointment!
Thanks, guys. Nice to know you're not alone.. I had considered buying a set of cylinders and pistons and rings, soaking them in oil and hiding them in my basement for when the inevitable day comes, but I'm afraid to even call and ask for pricing... God, please let it snow soon. All the trails are still closed around here..Thanks again.. Steve.
My local Lowes carries an assorted box of springs for just a few dollars. Came in handy when I had to rebuild the marker lights on my 1964 Airstream.

Later - D
Going to my local dealer is painful. I needed some part for the Bravo I'm resurecting. I went to Port Yamaha's site, printed out the diagrams and went to my dealer. To make a long story short, it's been over two weeks, no parts and I was charged double what is on Port's site. #$%&*

I could handle paying a bit more if the service was good they stocked something, but they do neither and we get HOSED. Does anyone know if Port ships parts to Canada? Is there duty on parts?

:o| :o| :o|
I just paid $38 cdn for three reed stoppers.(reed stopper notch F#$$ up) . I know that I could get all 6 from the states for that price shipped, but I didn't have the time to wait. If I can wait I have a Buddy in Idaho who gets the parts from his dealer and sends them to me. I send him a bottle of whisky once in a while as a thank you. Then he phones me at 4 A.M in the morning ... drunk... to thank me!
I just paid 35 bucks for 3 button slides for my secondary.....whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, talk about gouging! I'll never do it again. after market on those are 1.50 apiece! just not as good, ya...ok.....
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I already posted this in another thread but the cheapest place to get OEM Yamaha parts from is right here and here . Just go to Yamaha's part site to get your part numbers then enter them on either one of those pages. The first site (Cycle Parts Warehouse) is in Texas and is the cheapest for almost everything you'll look up between the 2 sites. The second site (Surdyke Yamaha) is cheaper for belts ($48.76 from Surdyke and $53.70 from CPW) and a couple of other things I have looked up but usually CPW has the best prices. CPW also ships internationally, Surdyke doesn't ship to Canada, but it doesn't really matter since CPW has the best prices on almost everything anyway.
I guess we all understand that everyone needs to make money, but dealers in Canada need to understand also that there is something just not right when you can get something shipped to you from thousands of miles away and still get a better deal.. Again, it would be one thing if you had to weigh being able to walk in and have the convenience of riding that same afternoon, but nobody seems to want to stock anything these days and they have to order the part anyway. I don't mind paying a premium for service and convenience, but I just don't see it. Steve.
If I was loaded I wouldn't care about ordering from my local dealer but I'm not. FAR FROM IT! I'm lucky to be able to afford gas to ride lately. I have to save every penny I possibly can on this stuff. That's why I go out of my way to find the best prices.
