emergency shovel?


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Long Island, NY - ride in Island Pond VT
2001 SRX 700 triple. looking for an emergency snow shovel that is compact and i can use those fast clips to my belt shield. and store it under the engine compartment. any ideas. i saw somones on this site pics and he had one. pretty kool . any ideas?
take a look at the local rona....have saw one there that slips together looks about 12-16 inches long compacted....
I would suppose that in NY you are only carrying a shovel to help dig out your sled and not for digging victims of an avalanche! If you are going to get a shovel cause you are coming out west to ride in avalanche country, then by all means, buy a back-pack and carry the shovel on your body. The shovel does you no good when your sled is buried or you forget to get it out when running up a 45 degree slope to help dig out your buddy, UPPS, I forgot my shovel and have to go back..........it will be too late, just call his wife from your cell phone that you also left in your snowmobile.
avalanche shovels

A good quality Aluminum Shovel is a must in Avalanche Terrain, A good plastic shovel just doesn't cut it, you will just end up with a handle and broken plastic which won't dig anyone out.
