reddog mmax 700
New member
i was wondering if a 121 sx style under gear would bolt right into my 141 mmax or would i have to relocate the brackets...thanks
The center and rear would be different. Maxdlx
Do it and I will trade you my 121...
Cole i may have a 136 for sale soon. you looking Maxdlx
New member
The SX W arm mount point is 7" in front of the H arm mount point, different lower centre shock cross piece, different rail brackets to W arm plus you loose your attack angle wih the 121, different limiter straps etc, etc
The SX W arm mount point is 7" in front of the H arm mount point, different lower centre shock cross piece, different rail brackets to W arm plus you loose your attack angle wih the 121, different limiter straps etc, etc